Least Favorite Punishment

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Request: What are their limits toward hurting darling? Is there anything they wont do?

Note: Some of these men have no shame or limit so for them I put their least favorite punishment!

Tw: domestic abuse, mentions of non-con, cannibalism


     Isolation isn't a punishment he likes, it's as if he is rewarding you since you're already trying to get as far away from him as possible. You're going to remain by his side as he completes his assignments and does his usual tormenting sessions. The only time you are allowed to be alone is when you are using the bathroom, which happens to be missing a lock and window. He also isn't really a fan of drugging you only because he wants to see your genuine emotions whenever you're being put through hell or just being forced to spend time with him.


     It's already bad enough that he is falling in love with another person that could potentially ruin his anonymity for the sake of gaining money and power, the attention from public humiliation is not needed. People might start wondering who you are and how you ended up in the situation in the first place leading to more people trying to find out about your toxic relationship. Anytime you are to be dealt with for disobeying him Diavolo waits until you are behind closed doors or drags you to a private area to avoid causing a scene. He's worked too hard changing your identity to have it ruined by some bystanders with phones ready to upload anything to social media.


     Anything that involves other people causing harm to you or assaulting you is never going to happen. Doppio is far too possessive to let another person have sex with you or hug you for longer than five seconds, why would he let that happen. It might make you more cautious and encourage you to treat him kindly but it honestly isn't worth it. The only people allowed to harm you are the boss and himself, for you he'd beg the boss to see it from his perspective. He'd tell Diavolo that he deserves to be the only one to have you since he has been nothing but loyal to his wishes, begging him to do literally anything else.


     He is also one of the worse yanderes because there isn't a limit to what he'd do to keep you in check. Formaggio is fine with passing you around to his friends as a punishment for trying to run off again or even leaving permanent damage if you are adamant about ignoring his wishes. The only thing I could see him trying to prevent is murdering you out of anger. Formaggio would try to remain calm enough to not give in to the urge to just end it all when you are showing no signs of falling for his charm and are refusing to give it a try after six months; remember, he doesn't plan to spend the rest of his life dealing with your stubborn behavior so don't push it.


     Infantilization will never be a part of his punishments because Gelato does not want to force you to rely on him and Sorbet for everything. While he does baby talk you to annoy you during your tantrums from not being taken seriously Gelato isn't about to spend his time treating you like a child. Turning you into a helpless adult that cannot think for yourself sounded hilarious at first because it would have frustrated the hell out of you but gelato just can't see it as a serious punishment. Besides it also means that he and Sorbet would need to supervise you more often.


     Most of his punishments involving taking away what little privileges you have like internet access, car keys, social life, etc. Many times he would degrade and insult you when you are being difficult and giving him a hard time and although it's rare, Ghiaccio would put his hands on you if you get physical with him. The only thing Ghiaccio wouldn't do is anything related to sexual violence or assault. Sex is the only thing in your relationship that hasn't been ruined completely and he'd rather keep it that way. It also makes you trust Ghia a little more since he won't pressure you into having sex or force you to please him.


     Baby trapping or any forced parenting isn't at the top of his list of punishments. Children or anyone that could possibly take your attention away from Illuso are too much of a threat, he'd rather have you to himself. The only reason he'd do something as risky as that is if you happen to be too empathetic and would be naive enough to stay with him for the child's sake. If you aren't able to have children he'd try to abduct a kid you are familiar with like a niece, cousin, godchild, or a kid you may have babysat and threaten to harm them if you don't stay. Fortunately enough Illuso has this at the bottom of his list of ways to control you so it won't be happening any time soon.


     The more extreme methods like holding your head underwater or tying you to the back of his motorcycle and driving are too much and honestly a waste of his time. The thought of hitting you during an argument or tugging your hair when you get an attitude may cross his mind as an intrusive thought but it's nothing more than that. Melone is not about to go out of his way to terrorize you, he understands that it's counterproductive and will only make you fear him. He is more for cutting off the cards he gave you and locking away the gifts that he brought you until you decide to play nice again.


     Your health and well-being are a top priority to Pesci so he tries to avoid withholding food and water. You'll always have something to eat at the end of the day even if the portions become significantly smaller than what he usually provides. During your worst days you'll be given one meal a day and a few glasses of water, it's enough to keep you alive and functioning. He also tries to avoid hitting you. It won't stop you from hating him and it only makes him look like an impatient brute so he'll stick to using drugs to make you compliant.


     Even though he does not shy away from some messed up punishments, physical, verbal, or sexual Prosciutto doesn't do things like cutting his darling, burning them with boiling water, etc. Granted he already does abuse them anything that could possibly lead to serious problems he tries to avoid. He doesn't want to risk you bleeding out or do anything that might be too much of a hassle to treat. So he sticks to the more "tame" and effective punishments like bondage, sex, isolation, & basic violence (slaps, punches, hair pulling, etc).


     He won't outright punch you in the face or do anything that involves using far too much of his strength against you, it's just unfair. Risotto thinks it's low considering that he could easily overpower most people without giving it much effort and he'd look like a bully. Since you are important to him he would rather avoid doing too much damage to your already strained relationship by treating you like one of his targets. That's not to say that Risotto won't manhandle you when you're being stubborn or use his strength to restrain you when you are trying to fight.


     Restraining you is boring and takes the thrill out of everything! Secco wants you to try to fight back and find out just how weak you truly are compared to him. He likes being able to chase you after you've broken out of the house, dragging you back to Cioccolata begging for mercy. Putting you on a leash after you attempted to leave them is humiliating and degrading, which is nice, but it leaves no room for another exciting chase and they rarely happen nowadays. Secco also hates it when you are forced to eat human parts because he usually has to clean up the mess you make and isn't able to make out with you. After all, even he has his limits.


     Sorbet is too clingy for his own good so he isn't the best at sticking to the isolation punishments. Even though you're supposed to be suffering alone in the basement Sorbet would go down there to share a bed with you when Gelato is away, it's the only reason you aren't sleeping on the cold floor. He'd get reprimanded by Gelato for being so needy because it comes off as babying you and defeating the purpose of the punishment. So your "isolation" usually means you won't be seeing Gelato and you'll be sleeping in the basement while getting a visit from Sorbet.

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