How They Help Their Darling Adjust

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Request: I feel bad about requesting again so soon, but these are too good. How would our boys behave in the very first couple of days after abducting their darling? What's their plan for acclimatising them to the situation? If it's alright, I'd like to specifically request Risotto, Melone and Sorbet + Gelato for this scenario. I'm loving your work!

Tw: non-con, abuse, mentions of torture,


    He didn't really have a plan, he was just so excited to have you close and be in the same space with you. Instead of beating around the bush and continuing the stalking, Melone ordered his Babyface to bring you to his house. He made some parts of his home soundproof to keep you from alerting his neighbors, other than that Melone isn't fully prepared.

    He invades your personal space a lot, barely giving you a second to grow accustomed to your surroundings. While he's introducing himself, Melone is running his hands over your body and smelling your clothes since he's never been able to get this close. He'll give you a quick tour of his home that's actually quite spacious for him to be paid very little, you'll learn that most of his money is from his career as a research scientist.

    You can stay in his spare room until you're ready to share a bedroom but he's going to find a way to be near you regardless of the sleeping arrangements. Melone latches onto you when you've been in the same spot for five minutes, which makes it harder for you to get comfortable around him any faster. He knows it delays the process but he can't help it, your presence is just too addicting! It's hard to be near you and suppress the urge to touch your tempting body.

    Melone encourages you to protest against his disgusting behavior and let him know that you despise him. You have the right to feel that way about the circumstances of your situation, he knows that he's a deplorable human being for taking you against your will. None of this will phase Melone though, he believes that the more you voice your opinions and notice that he's not budging, the sooner you'll move on.

    In the meantime, Melone tries to lighten the mood by telling you more about himself or giving you new clothes that he bought thinking they'd look great on you. But you'll still have your moments, whenever you're crying because of the situation he'll try to comfort you through hugs and back rubs. If you tell him to leave you alone he'd leave to give you some time and wait until you're sleeping to hold you and mumble his apology.


    Once Risotto realized what he had to do, protect you from the world's dangers, he added a few new additions to his home. He doesn't really have neighbors to worry about but he still added some deadlocks and replaced the glass on the windows. When he brings you to your new home he notices how bare he keeps his house. Only basic furniture and the few items his friends gifted him.

    As you sulk in his bedroom that you now share, Risotto will leave to retrieve most of your belongings to make you feel more welcome. It'll take a few days only because he has to avoid your friends or neighbors and carry your belongings out undetected. He'll even be sure to get any food you've had in the fridge and pantry so you'll at least have your favorite snacks too.

    The goal is to get you comfortable as soon as possible but also avoid being insensitive to your situation. Risotto can't exactly give you space since he only has two rooms, one bathroom, a small living room and kitchen. There aren't many places he could go and you're not allowed in the second room. So after Risotto explains why he abducted you and that you're never leaving he tries to stay out of your way for a little while.

    You'll feel his eyes following your moves when the both of you are in the same room though because he loves you after all and is curious about what you do during the day. At night he can't really help himself from holding you in his arms but he tries to make it less awkward for you by asking you about your feelings and what he could do to help you settle into your new life.

    One day as you stare at the blank television screen Risotto calls you into the Hallway. You knew he stole your things from home because you currently use your old blankets, clothes, etc. What you didn't know is that he brought along your posters, books, anything pertaining to your hobbies and more personal things like pictures and old stuffed animals.

    He decorated the room to look a bit like your old one, minus the bed of course, adding a desk and comfortable chair he had stolen. You can use the room to feel safe or have your alone time even though Risotto took the door off the hinges to prevent you from locking him out the room. It isn't much but it's a start to get you comfortable.

Sorbet & Gelato:

    You were brought to Sorbet's home, it's pretty secluded so they don't need to think about being caught or someone seeing you. The home has three bedrooms, two complete bathrooms, a well furnished basement, an attic, spacious living room, dining room, and a small space that's used as a small library filled with books Sorbet enjoys.

    You're welcome to roam the halls and search for a way out or try to find their weaknesses. Sorbet didn't need to spare any expenses to upgrade security or install locks to keep you confined because he knew that Gelato would enjoy the occasional escape attempt. The only thing he did was put any drugs or weapons away in a place that only he and Gel would have access to.

    To be honest, they don't care to give you a lovely tour and some sweet words to ease you into it. During your welcome home, Sorbet gives you a basic rundown of how your new life is going to be and what they expect of you. What you do next has a huge impact on how you'll be treated either way you'll be miserable.

    Since you are new and was originally supposed to be around as a punching bag or live stress relief toy you'll oftentimes be beaten and berated. After having a rough day or simply being in a bad mood Gelato will go to the basement to let out his anger through terrorizing you. Sorbet watches his lover have his fun but also instructs him to be careful, don't want to ruin you too soon. He doesn't always participate in the act itself, the only time he joins in is if you'd been too much of a nuisance or him and Gelato have an argument concerning you.

    For the first few months of your stay you'll be sleeping in the basement! Gelato may love the thrill of chasing you but that doesn't mean he wants to do it so often. But don't worry, It isn't all that bad considering the decor, the only problem is being locked down there for hours at a time. Gelato serves you meals and always makes conversation to see how you're holding up because you're not leaving the basement until you calm down enough to pretend you're not going to run away.

    Sorbet invades your space the most, not caring to touch you as he pleases and will even go as far as using your body for pleasure when he's in the mood for sex but Gelato turns him down. When you're crying or begging Sorbet to leave you alone he teases you for being such a cry baby and forces you to lay on his chest so he can put you to sleep. You're only able to deny or interrupt him so many times before he starts gagging you and ignoring your cries. He's not going to tie you up though because watching you fight against him and realize that you're very weak compared to him is adorable.

    The first time that happened Gelato was sure to beat you for it. Having found Sorbet coming up the steps lacking his shirt and his pants undone he was pissed that he went to you, without him of course. Can't let you think you're going to be replacing him any time soon just because Sorbet decided to use you to get off. He isn't as ecstatic to go to you for sex but he does sometimes watch Sorbet have his fun or join in to make you suffer a little while longer.

    Once you've gotten closer to Gelato and he's not doing things to get a reaction out of you or just to be a bother, He's going to ask about your personal life and of course your fears and dreams. Gelato hadn't gotten any details on your life before they picked you out so he's curious. Because he is quite sadistic and likes playing with your emotions, Gelato will pretend like he's been in your position before, having been forced to be Sorbet's pet. Enjoying the way you cling to every word he says as he tells you that he's found another weakness the two of you could use to your advantage.

    Of course it's only going to end with you being mocked and berated for being gullible and Sorbet letting Gelato punish you for trying to escape. The beginning of your stay isn't going to be easy, you're treated like a punching bag and only there for entertainment purposes. Until they come to live you as their darling, you'll be nothing more than a toy.

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