Thoughts on "Virgin" Blood (Vampire AU)

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Request: Does vampire La Squadra make a big deal about having virgin blood, whatever that means?

Tw: implied dub-con


     The way some vampires use the term "virgin blood" and advertise it as the best type of blood to drink makes Risotto want to rip his head off. It doesn't make any sense to him. You don't know a person's sexual history through their blood and there's no difference in the taste, so why is "virgin's blood" still glorified? He's drunk from plenty of people, of all ages, to know the only difference stems from things like anemia, diabetes, etc but again virginity has never really made a difference in nutrients or flavor. Hopefully, the community can get past this myth and put more energy into bigger problems.


     Melone doesn't believe in the whole virgin's blood ordeal but he loves to use this as an excuse to take advantage of virgins. He tells them that without their pure blood he won't be able to survive as long and yes, they have to have sex while he feeds because the stimulus provides more nutrients to the blood. Their shyness and the way they fumble while trying to please him is another type of high. Some of the others tell him he's sick for playing into it but he doesn't care and refuses to stop.


     Ghiaccio has tussled with far too many of his own people over this rumor. Don't even mention virgin blood around him or try and debate that it's more beneficial or tell him that drinking the blood of a virgin will increase his strength. It's ridiculous and is just another made up story used to prey on young people in his mind. It's like saying that if he drained a child's body he would be able to step on holy grounds because of the pure blood in his body, when all it means is that he'd still be hungry since they're so small.


     Blood is blood, whether or not someone is a virgin or they're sexually active never made a difference to him. He just wants sustenance. Anyone can fall victim to playing his blood bag until he's ready to move on to the next person. That doesn't mean he won't throw this rumor around now and then to trick some gullible human into feeling sorry for him. "It's been a while since I've eaten, it'll take about ten human bodies to regain my full strength but since you're a virgin all it'd take is a few sips, you'll help me right?" It works almost every time. He doesn't do this around Prosciutto or Ghiaccio though because they always make a big deal about it.


     How was he supposed to know that it was just a myth when it was his grandfather that told him? He's heard the rumors of virgin blood all his life and was taught that it had more benefits. Pesci didn't know his grandfather was just saying that because he was one of the vampires that like to prey on younger people. Up until he met Prosciutto the virgin blood myths made a lot of sense to him. When Pesci confidently offered to snag a virgin off the streets to enhance his strength and increase his durability after taking damage from a hunter, Prosciutto nearly chewed his head off for rambling nonsense during a dire situation. Once they fled he was forced to learn the difference in blood, hint, there isn't one unless it involves deficiencies.


     Prosciutto would help Ghiaccio wipe out the remaining population of vampires if he hears one more vampire talk virgin blood. He is sick and tired of hearing the debates and theories that people would come up with. Why does it have such a hold on the vampire community when they have been around long enough to know that it's just a myth? You'd think people would talk about blood that contains less iron, or the blood that's high in sugar, or even talk about the different blood types but no it's always the virgin blood.

Sorbet & Gelato:

     They don't pay attention to who they're pulling blood from or stop to think about which one is the best. They get their fill of blood and head out to find new cities to explore. Sorbet would joke about dying to get his hands on some virgin blood because he knows that Gelato hates it, other than that they only ever try to get their hands on some AB negative because it's rare amongst humans. Sure it'd probably taste the same but Gelato wants to know what all of the fuss is about and likes to be an inconvenience to the humans whenever he can.

Diavolo & Doppio:

     Doppio could care less where the blood comes from as long as it isn't an animal. Sometimes he tries to hunt down the people that are rude to him but usually ends up grabbing whoever is closest at the moment. He never took the time to consider if virgin blood was more valuable or even paid attention to the rumors surrounding it. Diavolo rarely feeds on humans because he's usually in deserted places whenever he is present which leads to him preying on animals instead. He's heard every rumor but he doesn't pay them any mind.

Cioccolata & Secco:

     Cioccolata keeps fueling the myths and rumors surrounding virgin blood to con the more impressionable vampires into giving him their money. "Do you know that virgin blood contains more nutrients and cuts down the urge to feed by almost half?" They would believe anything he says because of his extensive knowledge of humans and the experiments Cioccolata performs. He uses Secco as a demonstration of the power vampires could gain if they'd buy his "enhanced" virgin blood. Meanwhile, Secco's strength was gained through a demon deal Cioccolata made when he failed to turn Secco into a vampire before he died.

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