Their Darling Is A Yandere Too

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Request: Can u do all of them and their reactions if they had a darling who was also a yandere deep down and just as crazy as they were?

Request: You don't have to take my request but if it's ok could you do them all except pesci where they kidnap their darling and they realize she's also a yandere who's absolutely in love with them. Like how would they react?

Author's Note: Sorry to disappoint you! I added Pesci cause he's my husband so.... 😏✨🐠

Tw: manipulation, brief sexual behavior, abuse,


     Formaggio has a habit of encouraging your gross behavior then sitting back to enjoy the show. He'd purposely flirt with a random stranger, be it a bartender or sales associate, to get you heated enough to start a fight or lash out at him for being inconsiderate. Any reaction is a great reaction, knowing he can manipulate you for entertainment and still have you crawling back to him gives chills.

     There are times Formaggio gives you control for a couple of days and lets you have your fun giving him rules to follow or restricting certain privileges. He's curious to see what you have in store for him as his master. There are times your obsessiveness becomes a pain. When you whine or complain about his lack of attention or demand things from him, Formaggio threatens to leave you for being ungrateful to watch you cave in and beg him to forgive you.


     You're such a perfect darling, pleasing your new masters and minding your manners as they taught you, you're too perfect. That's why it wasn't too much of a surprise when you put a butter knife to Gelato's neck when he joked about replacing you. You went on a tangent about how you were always meant to be theirs, no one else deserves them, so and so forth. You were definitely put in your place for that, but Gelato couldn't be too mad at his jealous puppy.

     Loves the thought of you going to great lengths to obtain even the littlest crumb of his affection, finds joy sending you to get things for him like you're his assistant. Gelato let's you follow him around anywhere like an excited puppy, speaking of which, since you're so in love with him you won't mind wearing a pretty collar that has his and Sorbet's name on it, right?

    Gelato won't be as crude to you but instigates situations to see how you'd handle it. He wants to see you unhinged, violent, and downright lethal, sending chills down his spine when you're letting people know you're not going to be replaced. Gelato is definitely going to pull you into the nearest vacant area to reward you for the stunning performance.


     As long as there is order, Ghiaccio can work with this. Hearing how you want to limit his routines and daily life really allows him to understand how ridiculous it was to do such a thing. Why are you so worried about his personal life if he already told you what he was doing? No, he isn't trying to sneak around at the grocery store!

    The two of you would bicker so much to the point where the team isn't sure if you guys are dating or plotting to kill each other. When you're asking for something that's within reason, to Ghiaccio, he'll try to appease you. You don't like that he doesn't visit often? Ghiaccio has you pick a home for the two of you, he'll come home to you every night! You think he doesn't treat you as a priority? Ghiaccio plans his schedule around you to give you enough attention.

    Even though you say you're deeply in love with Ghiaccio that won't stop him from being possessive and having to know everyone in your circle. Don't think for a second that he'll stop reading every text and recording every call. You say you love him now, but there's always a chance you'd slip up.

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