You're Sick

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Request: This is a random ask, but what if La Squadra's darling gets sick or smth. I just want to see how they'd react and how they'd care for them 🥺


His causal personality would have you believe that he'd be horrible at caring for you when you're sick but it's pretty amazing. While you're sick Formaggio is gentle with you and he speaks much lower to not worsen your headaches. He spends most of the time scrolling through his phone while he has you cuddled up on his side but is quick to get you a light, hot meal when you say you're hungry.

Formaggio doesn't care if you were unbearable before you got sick or if you were recently shouting how much you hate him. You're the love of his life and he'll see to it that you're taken care of, so any punishment he previously planned will be postponed. For now, he'll enjoy holding and comforting you without the anger that normally follows after.

Cioccolata & Secco:

Could you imagine this twisted doctor holding you in his lap as he looks over some emails the boss sent him? Cioccolata checking your temperature every other hour like you're his patient, wanting to ensure that it's going down as you continue taking your medicine. Instead of sending his best boy Secco out to snatch targets off the street, Cioccolata has him stay by your side and reminds him to play nice since you're sick.

None of that is happening. The only bit that might be true is him taking your temperature to make sure you're getting better. He's not at all worried about some little sickness that'll leave in no time, maybe if you were sick with something like pneumonia he'd get all fluffy and baby you but you're not, you'll be fine. Secco rubs your head since it makes him feel better and he's the one to bring you some food and water when you're ready for it.


Were you being a bitch before you got sick or were you playing along with his fantasies like he's asked you countless times? Because there's no way Illuso would think to take care of you while you're sick, you're just going to have to ride it out on your own without his help or medicine. You know that a relationship goes both ways and if he's only ever treating you and caring for you that's not a relationship, is it? So he'll keep his distance while you work this out.

Now if you've been good and biting your tongue for the sake of having a somewhat decent life with Illuso, he'll do whatever it takes to help you get better. You can sleep in his gigantic bed since it's comfortable, the soft duvet might lull you to sleep on its own. He'll get you the necessary vitamins and medicine to relieve your symptoms instead of having you suffer. Since you're unwell Illuso will get you almost anything you want, even if it's something he said no to earlier in the week. It's hard not to spoil his poor baby when they're going through so much.


He hates being sick so he tries to avoid being around you longer than he has to, there's no need for the both of you to catch it. You're not allowed to sleep in your shared room until you're healthy again, you'll be sleeping in the room closest to the bedroom. It seems harsh and leads you to believe he will ignore you the entire time but that couldn't be further from the truth. He's not going to abandon his spouse during their time of need, that'd be shameful and make him undeserving of calling himself your lover.

Each morning when he brings you your breakfast and medicine he asks if you need anything, even if it's something like a book or plush animal. When it's time to bring in your lunch he always has what you asked for or a surprise gift if you didn't answer his question. Before Prosciutto leaves for business or to meet up with Ghiaccio, he moves the TV and some of your things to the room so you aren't bored. He'll leave water on your nightstand along with the Nintendo switch Pesci told him to buy you. You aren't getting a phone or laptop so don't ask him.

Being ungrateful or rude the entirety of your sick days isn't going to be punished; The next time you're sick Prosciutto will only give you the bare minimum instead of doting on you.

Sorbet & Gelato:

Sick or healthy, it doesn't matter to Sorbet. You're going to be cuddling or resting in his lap. Maybe now, while you're feeling horrible, you'll come to love lying on Sorbet's chest as you both binge watch your favorite shows. He doesn't stop rubbing soothing circles on your lower back even as you start to drift off. He only gives you some space when you say you're burning from the thick blankets and his body heat is torture on your skin.

    Gelato is emptying cans of Lysol like crazy and refuses to be too close to you. Sitting at opposite ends of the couch is more than enough for him. He isn't bothered by you being sick or thinking you're gross, Gelato usually ends up sick every time someone else is so he's being cautious. It doesn't work though because you accidentally sneeze in his face at one point.

    The duo loves you enough to coddle and dote on you since you're sick but it can stop if you're fighting against it. Being snappy every time they try to help gets you nowhere, they'd put you back in the basement before lifting a finger to help such an ungrateful brat. Just relax and let them take care of you and there won't be any drama.

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