They Accidentally Kill Their Lover

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Request: What would they do if they accidentally killed their darling in a fit of rage? I want to know specifically what Prosciutto or Risotto would do... Maybe Sorbet and Gelato too....

Tw: death of reader, not gore-y but it's unsettling

It was supposed to be a simple answer for a simple question but I wanted to be dramatic so...


     He's known to lose his patience with people when they don't follow his orders or comply. Risotto attempted to extend his patience for you, even let you have your snarky attitude, and escape to get it out of your system. However it wasn't changing your feelings for him, you still hated him. He knew there was no love for him in your heart yet he thought he'd at least be able to persuade you to love him with patience.

     Today you wouldn't let Risotto off the hook, instead of shutting down once he gave his answer you kept running your mouth. Pleading to go outside when it wasn't a rainy day knowing that Risotto would never agree to it, you know how this works. Then you reverted to your place of bitterness, shouting out profanities, pushing against his body trying your best to upset him. Risotto suggested that you take a nap to calm your nerves but you refused saying you were fine.

     As you walked off to your room you had said it quietly but he caught every syllable. You said his cousin was lucky to have died since it meant never seeing him again, before he knows it he's ready to tear you into pieces. Not having the chance to catch himself he used Metallica to send needles out of your neck, the method of death he gave many that disrespected the death of his family prior to leaving his old town. Risotto stomps toward you, daring you say it again until he realizes what he'd just done.

     He'll cradle you, as you drop to your knees choking on the blood and needles filling your throat. Even if he removed them he already caused too much damage to save you. Risotto hadn't meant to kill you, he only wanted you to stop talking. He'll bury you as the guilt remains on his shoulders. Risotto hopes you can forgive him for his actions even though he'll never forgive himself.


     This was the third time he had caught you trying to kill him. You were standing behind the bar dissolving some of Pesci's antidepressants in his Gin. You didn't notice that he came to check in on you with some food in hand. It seems like you now spend all your time trying to kill him and yet Prosciutto remained loyal and loving.

     Prosciutto cleared his throat making his presence known, chuckling when you almost dropped the bottle of Gin scared for what would come next. You'd normally come to stand in front of him to explain yourself how he taught you and wait for Prosciutto to decide how you'd be disciplined. This time was different, he called you over to him and you stayed in place yelling that you'll never stop trying to leave and that you hated him. All of this he's heard too many times to count to the point where he says it with you.

     Since Prosciutto had to walk up to you himself you knew it'd be worse, you start to throw the bottles behind the bar at him, wasting his liquor and money. When he reaches your side he twists your arm until you're groaning in pain. Prosciutto pushes your head down to the bar counter and begins to speak only to be interrupted by his burner cell. He'd been called to help Formaggio complete a mission. Since Prosciutto has to leave he ties your arms and legs to the twin mattress in your isolation room before sets off.

     The room is extremely dark and you can't tell how much time has passed. You start to feel your stomach cramp every now and then from how hungry you are. He didn't feed you anything and the last time you had water was an hour before Prosciutto came home and caught you. As time passes you're constantly licking your brittle lips and yanking at the chains, desperate to get some type of food or water into your body.

     Soon your throat was too dry and your tongue almost felt like sandpaper, you wondered how long it'll be until Prosciutto came home. At this point you were sitting in your filth and desperate to leave. It had to have been trapped there longer than a day. You've never cried from hunger like this. You'd usually be out of the room. It got to the point where you'd go in and out of consciousness while you waited for Prosciutto to come home.

     The mission was going smoothly at first, Prosciutto and Formaggio was able to find their target in no time. But things went left, they'd ended up following their target a few cities over, and somehow ran into a rival gang all in one go. They were holed up in a motel for days since they've been cornered, they needed to come up with a plan that'll get them out alive and kill their target. They already stretched their mission into five days.

     After they've found a way out of the mess and the rush is gone, Formaggio jokingly asks Prosciutto if there was someone special he was rushing to see not knowing he had a lover. Then it hit him. You've been tied up in a room for eight days without food or water. When he finally reaches you, you're barely breathing and your head is hot. Already having a fabricated story for the doctors he takes you to the emergency room, but it's too late. Most of your organs have failed from the severe dehydration.

     He feels like the biggest idiot on the planet, he has never been this careless, never made this kind mistake when it came to you. He prides himself in being on top of things and not being reckless even when he's enraged. Prosciutto is devastated and will likely develop depression. When the others ask what happened he'll say you passed away omitting the fact that it's his fault. He'll never fully get over this, even if he finds a new partner.

Sorbet & Gelato:

     A word of advice, never attack one of the boys while the other is out and if you do make sure the other is meant to be away for more than three days. Maybe it was because Gelato was easier to talk to or that he was too unpredictable that you decided to attack him while Sorbet handled his business. Gelato didn't tie you to the bed since he wanted to watch a movie together.

     Sorbet rushed through the door because he'd forgotten to take his credit card out of Gelato's wallet and you didn't have time to cover up the unconscious male before you're practically thrown to the side. You had ended up busting the side of Gelato's head when you knocked him into the television. He wasn't dead but there was blood falling from his head, that's all it took for Sorbet to chase after you into the kitchen.

     He doesn't say a single word as he pummels you, busting your lip and breaking your nose cursing you out for betraying the man that usually protected you from Sorbet's brutal side. Somewhere along the way you fell to the ground and tried to crawl away from the unhinged male, you didn't get that far. Sorbet pulled you to your feet and guided you to the sink filled with soapy dish water.

     You didn't have time to protest before Sorbet shoves your head into the water, laughing while you panic and reach for a knife, fork, or anything to hit him with. Unfortunately for you he had already swiped the cutlery and dishes off the counter, sending every dish in the dish rack crashing to the floor. He's beyond pissed, too angry to consider taking a step back to, fighting with himself trying to calm down.

     Then you stopped moving. There weren't any bubbles coming out of the water and your chest wasn't lifting to show signs of breathing. At the time Sorbet didn't know how to feel about it, he left your body on the messy kitchen floor and took Gelato to the hospital. When they returned home he tried to explain it to Gelato who was weeping over your body. Gelato had already figured they'd do some torture and starvation, he hadn't expect Sorbet to kill you.

     They'll have you cremated and turn the ash into a piece of jewelry that Gelato wears. The blonde will miss you dearly and he hates that Sorbet killed you in the heat of the moment but he doesn't blame him. He understands why it happened and you knew how Sorbet could get when it came to the two of you.

     Meanwhile Sorbet is disappointed with you and himself. He wishes that he locked you in the basement and waited to punish you, he also wished you didn't attack Gelato in the first place. He's able to move past the incident and forgive himself since Gelato is by his side, they won't replace you either. They know nobody will ever be able to hold a candle to you, they're fine with each other.

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