Grocery Run [One-Shot]

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Ghiaccio x Reader x Implied!Melone

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Ghiaccio x Reader x Implied!Melone

Tw: abuse

    "Your total is two-hundred thirty-seven dollars! Will you be using cash or card?" You blink slowly at the cashier as he beamed brightly while his manager lurked in the background.

    "Cash" You dug into your pockets searching for the three crisp hundred dollar bills your mother had sent you, usually you'd have your gray and blue wallet on you but this time around your pockets were all you had. Each pocket was empty, which was strange since you triple-checked to be sure that this exact situation wouldn't happen.

    "Is there a problem?" the cashier watched as you crouched down in front of the counter frantically looking around the area. There was no way you lost the only money you've had in weeks that fast, it was in your pocket when you last checked as you were going through the aisles.

    "Sorry, I can't find my money I'll just come back some other time" You didn't miss the way they huffed in annoyance but what were you supposed to do, pull the money out of thin air? It's not like you enjoyed wasting your time either.

   "I'll cover her groceries sir, just add mine to the bill" it was a woman holding a jug of milk and what looked like a head of lettuce in a clear bag, she had been next in line."I'm paying with my card" He shrugged his shoulders before ringing up her items lacking the pep he had earlier.

   "Um thanks, I appreciate the gesture but you don't need to cover it I'll be fine" It wasn't your pride that made it hard for you to accept her help, it was the fact that she only had two items. Having her spend more money on you than herself felt wrong.

   "Don't worry about it, I don't mind at all" she laughed as she swiped her card. "We all have our days"
    "Ma'am your card declined" The cashier spoke, not bothering to be discreet, causing the woman's face to turn bright red before she asked to try her card again.

    "Sorry for the trouble, i'll be on my way"

    You trudged through the parking lot wanting nothing more than to get home lest you wind up losing anything else. It sucked being forced to leave empty-handed, especially since you wouldn't be able to scrap that much money together any time soon. The only reason you ended up getting money from your Mother was that she felt generous, which is rare in her case. You'd have to wait at least another season for her to do something like that again.

    Maybe if you watched your neighbor's kid you'd be able to buy groceries, it's been a week since you declined their previous offer after witnessing their child throw rocks at the stray cat that wandered the neighborhood, so they might hire you.

    "So it takes eleven weeks to get some fucking groceries!" his voice boomed across the parking lot.

    You were too lost in your thoughts to realize the air around you had gotten colder than it should've. Ghiaccio leaned against his car that he had conveniently parked in front of yours to prevent you from escaping him. Running wouldn't have done you any good but it would've been better than standing in place.

    By the time you came to your senses, Ghiaccio already had his hand wrapped around your wrists. If you didn't want to be stuck in his home again fighting was the only option, but you still couldn't muster up the courage to run away from him! You were too scared, especially when the last time you hit Ghiaccio your arm ended up in a sling!

    So you did nothing as he roughly crammed you into the backseat of his car. All you could do was listen to him rant about how you didn't deserve to be loved by him or Melone.

    Were you really this unfortunate? After receiving the check from your mother you thought luck was on your side, yet it worked out in his favor. What cemented your theory was the fact that even as Ghiaccio started tying a rope around your limbs nobody seemed to notice the commotion. There had been plenty of people coming and going to the grocery store, now there didn't seem to be a single soul around to save you.

    "Can't believe I fell in love with an idiot! You better thank Melone when we get home because if it weren't for him I would've hit you with the fucking car but he said it'd be too fucking risky! I probably would've killed you if it weren't for him! Not like you wouldn't have deserved it"

Yandere La Squadra x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now