Their Child Catches Them Abusing You

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Request: Reacting to their child witnessing them beating/punishing their darling? Their child walking in unexpectedly and covering their.mouth looking up to their father with fear

Side Note: Before any of you get ideas, I'm not going to write about children walking into a sexual situation as in catching their parents having sex or witnessing sexual violence, 😗

Tw: domestic violence & abuse, mentions of child abuse, gaslighting,


    He tries to hide the more violent or gruesome details of your relationship from his kid(s), preferring to be seen as their fun and lovable dad that's always there to save them. The last thing he needs is his kid(s) being afraid that he'll hurt them so it breaks his heart when his kid cries about him possibly killing their innocent parent. Formaggio was sure to put the kids to bed or wait until they were in school before he raised his hand to you.

    This time your kid happened to be parched and was looking to ask you for a little more water since Formaggio said no because they wet the bed last time. They walked in to see Formaggio holding you by the neck accusing you of going behind his back for help. Of course when the kid screams for him to stop hurting you and begging him to leave you alone Formaggio is frozen for a second. He'll let the kid hug you and cry for as long as they need.

    As you're putting them to bed promising that you're fine and that he didn't actually hurt you, you'd have hell to pay if they start to hate Formaggio, he'll tell them that it wasn't what it looked like. The two of you were wrestling and he might've been a bit too competitive for you, but he promises not to do that again. Over the next few days all of you will be having fun as a family, taking trips to amusement parks and trying new things so your kid doesn't remain afraid, you better play along too because he's pretty sensitive when it comes to his kid.


    Normally you're dealt a harsh blow the moment you anger Illuso, doesn't matter what you're doing or where you are he's not going to let you off the hook. Especially if you embarrassed him in public, why should you be able to wait until later to get the reaction you knew he'd give, an audience won't stop a damn thing. But now there is a child running around the house that will surely be traumatized if they saw how cruel Illuso could be.

    Only because he doesn't need child services or cops putting their nose in his business and he does care for the kid to a certain degree, Illuso checks to make sure the kid isn't around to see you get punished. Maybe you were going in on Illuso for being the douche he is and called him out on his behavior, maybe you decided to avoid his touches and told him that he makes you sick. Either way Illuso didn't care to double check his surroundings this time, caught up in his ever growing anger Illuso knocks you to the ground before you can finish your sentence.

    Your mouth was bleeding and you started to get up but you ended up seeing your kid watching from the hallway, stuck in place. Following your gaze Illuso sees the scared kid and lets out a small huff as he moves his hair out of his face. Illuso would tell the kid to come into the room and explain that he didn't mean to hurt you, it was an accident that won't happen again, and ask if they think he'd genuinely hurt you or them. He's your husband and their dad after all, why would he do something like that on purpose.

    He'll be glaring at you as he comforts the kid and has you confirm that it was an accident. Now Illuso's really going to hurt you once the kid is out of sight because you made him slip up and potentially ruin the kid's image of him. You won't be hanging around the kid for a while either, he doesn't need you blabbing about abuse to the kid or practicing those safety nursery rhymes again.


    Your attitude was disgusting today, acting like the rules have suddenly changed and that it's okay to mouth off to Prosciutto, you even had the audacity to raise your voice. You've clearly lost your mind, he responds to your unruly behavior by giving you an open-handed smack to the face. Not skipping a beat Prosciutto goes on to explain to you why you deserved it and what you should do to avoid receiving another hit.

    Walking out of the room he instantly notices the child standing in the hall, it was obvious they witnessed the ordeal. Their eyes were watering and they're looking like they've seen a ghost, yet that doesn't stir any feelings of remorse or shame from the blond. There are rules to establish order and ensure the best outcome for all of you, Prosciutto isn't going to water down anything just because you've had a child.

    He taught them the same rules and warned them that breaking them leads to painful discipline, they're no stranger to Prosciutto's abuse. They've received a variety of punishments from a simple grounding to getting hit with a belt, but seeing your parent get mistreated is still a scary sight. The kid will be told to go play and give you some time to collect yourself before rushing to hug you.

Sorbet & Gelato:

    Now the two of them do the absolute most when it comes to punishing you, the punishments can range from locking you outside the house and leaving you chained to the porch as it rains to holding your head down in soapy bath water. Admittedly, they should've made sure that your child was still off in the backyard making mud cakes before shoving you down the steps. Gelato was trying his hardest to wipe the sneer off his face when he heard the soft squeal your kid made.

    Usually they are very good at hiding the abuse. The kid has never even heard them degrade or taunt you, they always treat you kindly and show that they are madly in love with you when the child is around. Sorbet promised you and Gelato that your child wouldn't be beaten or be a part of the violence in any way. So this is the first time your kid has ever seen their fathers as bad guys. Gelato jabs Sorbet in the side using his elbow to get him to put his cruelty on hold.

    Gelato picks up the kid and starts rubbing their head to calm them down, whispering that you're okay. He'll twist the events and make it as if you tripped over your own two feet or he'll say that they didn't do it on purpose. It was like that time everyone was laughing when papa slipped on the dewy grass, but the only difference is right now they laughed a bit too soon. Yeah, the kid might've thought they saw sorbet's hand on your back but he was only trying to catch you.

    Sorbet helps you up the stairs and doesn't even need to tell you to put on a happy face for the kid, you know better than to reveal their true colors. The three of you spend the afternoon cheering up the child, reminding them that you would never hurt one another or put them in danger. Sorbet is the one that tucks them in at night promising to catch you next time you're falling down the steps.

    Instead of picking up where they left off, Sorbet insists on dropping the situation for now and settles for warning you to stay in line. If the child sees them abusing you they'll have no choice but to send them away. Kids aren't able to keep secrets, Sorbet and Gelato aren't about to let the kid tell everyone who'd listen that their dads are abusive. Can't have two assassins on the cop's watchlist and they surely can't risk losing their beloved darling.

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