Extremely Needy Darling

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Request: hello! may i suggest the boys reacting to a darling thats been manipulated into wanting constant attention from them? but to an annoying extent that they will beg and cry for them to hold and kiss them and do anything for it

Tw: emotional abuse,


     He thought it'd be funny to turn your hate for him into desperation and tease you for being so needy, turns out it's better than he thought! You're heavily dependent on the same hugs and touches you called disgusting and left hurt when he denies you. Likes to purposely avoid you until you're breaking into tears, snot running down your nose, begging him to forgive you for whatever made-up excuse he had for shunning you. When Formaggio gets bored he'll yell at you for being annoying and distracting him, watching you shrink into yourself, only to lavish you in kisses and apologize days later, taking some time to build your self-esteem again for a fresh new start.


     Ugh responsibility, Gelato keeps himself busy outside of Passione by doing whatever he wants, when he wants to. Having you constantly hanging off of him better not slow him down or get in the way of anything he had planned, even if he's just going to the market. Let's you come along on his random errands for the company and will reward you with a gift of your choice if you refrain from throwing a fit. When you do happen to throw a fit he sends you to Sorbet, Gelato doesn't have the patience or time for that.


     Ready to throw himself off the nearest balcony available. Ghiaccio cannot stand extremely clingy people, damn it! You're suffocating him! First, you were too distant now you're asking too much of him, it's like it's never the right ratio. When Ghia had finally broken you down into what he thought was his ideal darling it was nice being able to hold you for comfort and have you readily available to him, but now he's finding any excuse to lock you in the pantry. Definitely working on a way to dial down your neediness before he winds up kicking you to the curb.


     Chances are Illuso only made you this way to emotionally abuse you and leave you feeling unwanted as a punishment for giving him hell when he abducted you. Now that the tables have turned Illuso will take pleasure in watching you break your back trying to win his love. Using you when he's feeling down or aroused then leaving once he's had his fill, smirking when you beg him to stay a little longer.


     Gahhh, you're almost like a child! This isn't anything he can't tolerate. When preparing for a child you have to be ready for the clinging and the ridiculous tantrums. Melone is more than willing to satisfy your needs, all you have to do is ask and he'll provide. Sometimes he purposely leaves you aching for him since you'll need more consoling and he can dote on you a little longer. When he's busy doing some research or doing some light reading, tell you to simmer down until he's free and give you something to do.


     This is causing him too much stress! Pesci isn't overwhelmed by your urge to be near him or the things you ask of him, it's the crying and screaming that bother him. Not only does he hate to see his darling this sad but he hates it when you're loud for no reason. He often asks you if there is a way to keep you content while he's busy or when he needs his space. You won't be punished for it but after you pitch a fit one too many times Pesci walks you to your room and has you cry there. That way he won't beat himself up too much for not having the energy to cater to you since your cries are being muffled.


     Your desperate state has him looking around confused as to where the hell you picked up this nonsense. Prosciutto is not about to be dealing with this mess for too long he already has a lot on his plate and great responsibilities, this isn't one of them. He wouldn't mind it if you were just feeling down because you wanted some affection but to sit here and cry like a child that's been put in time-out is too much. Yells at you to get it together or else you'll be spending your time isolated.


     He's not mad at you for being this way since his goal was to have you isolated with nobody but himself to keep you company. When Risotto comes home, he's fully prepared to spend his time doing whatever it is you had planned. He's happy that his darling isn't scared of him anymore and welcomes his touches, and again it was bound to happen sooner or later. But you're going to be taught to be patient, sometimes he's stressed from his job or just tired, the last thing he needs is to hear you wailing until your lungs collapse.


     Sorbet has a high tolerance for your clingy behavior. He loves to baby the hell out of you, not in the infantilization way, but holding you in his arms whenever you get upset, rubbing your back until you fall asleep, and just having you around. Gelato doesn't like being smothered too much so turning you into a clingy mess was probably Sorbet's doing.

     When Sorbet comes home to see you crying because Gelato didn't want to be near you, he's happy to cover his darling in kisses and fix them some food to make them feel better. Sorbet knows that you can be a bit much for Gelato but he doesn't like seeing you upset over this. He'll eventually force Gelato to get used to spoiling you with attention by requiring him to spend a certain amount of time with you.

     During your tantrums to be cuddled Sorbet watches you make yourself cry. He's not going to move just because you're screaming, have fun tiring yourself out because Sorbet ain't budging. You're also punished for doing things like this, you'll be locked in your room for two days and not given any sort of attention or affection. Being a baby won't get you anything.

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