Threatening To Take His Child

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Request: Hey do we request in here? Im normally on wattpad but wanted to install tumblr but may i request how they would react to darling keeping their children away from them? Like not allowing them to see their children as much

Tw: emotional abuse, mentions of murder


     When you decide that Illuso can't visit the child he's had with you it doesn't bother him, most of the time is spent vying for attention anyways. But when you deny him a visit thinking you've got the right or power to stop him, Illuso gets the urge to ruin what's left of your peace. You're not in a position to make those kinds of decisions for him, even if he isn't the most attentive father. Illuso knows which school his child attends and is prepared to walk through the school mirrors to find their classes and learn their schedule.

     During his time learning their school routine Illuso let's you think he respects your wishes and understands that it's best for the child in the long run. Stalking you from afar he waits until you reach a state of happiness, feeling that he's finally leaving you alone to snatch your child into the mirrors while they're in school. It'll take a minute for the school to notify you and by the time they do it'll seem hopeless. Sure you could tell the cops you think Illuso abducted your child but if you look closely you'd remember quite a few of their faces.

     Illuso was rubbing elbows with plenty of them not too long ago and it can be said that they're almost friends if not partners in crime. Safe to say they won't be taking anything you say too seriously and might even threaten to have you silenced since they only see you as another civilian that has no important connections. Having no one to turn to or hear you out about your missing child you're left to cry yourself sick and hope for a miracle. The child isn't harmed though, he's having the time of his life seeing movies and going to parks. Illuso will return him when you've suffered enough.


     You live separately for the child's safety and your own, Melone trusted you to behave while he wasn't there; he didn't need to watch you constantly. However it didn't go unnoticed that lately you were pulling away. He kept it to himself not wanting to cause a problem. For a while he was able to charm his way into your home to see you and the child until you confessed your concerns about having him around and the age old "I don't love you please don't drag this out" speech.

     Melone couldn't process your words during the moment all he heard was "I'm taking our child and starting a new life that doesn't include you". He could learn to respect your need for space, your need for a second home, and maybe if you wanted to take a small break. What he can't understand is why you would want to take his child away from him after countless conversations of having a child and raising them, teaching them about the world around them.

     Had you said this in the beginning of the relationship Melone could have brushed off your nonsense but at this point you know better. Rather than having a heated debate over who should raise your child or trying to arrange a schedule around you like he always does, Melone takes the child once you're done speaking. Not saying a word as he takes the child into his arms and heads for the door, pushing you out of the way when you reach for them. He's not about to make this sacrifice for you and isn't going to let you keep putting terms & conditions on his happiness.


     Depends on when you're trying to push him out of their life. Formaggio could care less about you threatening to take a screeching newborn that relies heavily on him to live. You could remove the child from his life but you're not going anywhere, go and find the best home for the child be it your parents or a newly wed couple but you can't leave him. Unless you plan on living a life without your precious baby that you love so much, don't bring it up.

    When the child is in or past the toddler stage Formaggio will be livid and may start threatening you again. While he has a funny way of showing his love and leaves you questioning if he actually loves you, that isn't the case for his child. Everything he does now is to give his child a great life. Only because you had to ruin the mood and suck the joy out of the room, Formaggio plans to put you through an emotional trip.

    You're the one that goes to pick up the groceries, during your time out Formaggio packs some clothes and leaves with your child before you come back. There's not a clue as to where they went. He doesn't call or send messages so you won't know when or if they'll come back especially after a week has passed.


     Do you even have the money to provide for them? Do you have a home to raise your child in? Do you even have the strength or power to get your child away from him? The answer should be no to all of them. Being the financially abusive man he is any money you had was taken into his account and managed. When Prosciutto fell for you he made sure to ruin any home you previously had so you'd rely on him for shelter.

     You simply don't have the material needed for raising the child on your own and quite frankly Prosciutto is offended that the thought of taking his child crossed your mind. The child isn't going to be used as a pawn or sent all over the country to punish you. Instead, Prosciutto is going to get his hands dirty slaughtering those left in your family that he promised to leave alone once you married him. When he remembers the name of your friends they'll join shortly.

     You have nobody left except for Prosciutto and your child. As you mourn the death of your family and friends Prosciutto mentions that he has decided to take full custody of your child. He may be affiliated with a dangerous group of people but the court wouldn't know that. They will know that you are homeless and unemployed which means you have no suitable environment for the child to stay in. Do you really want to risk losing them too or would you rather stay by Prosciutto's side and raise them together?


     This is news to him! After being father of the year by always being there for you and the baby consistently, giving you more than what you needed because he loves to see his lover and child spoiled, he never thought you would want to push him out of your lives. Pesci will need to lie down for a second to understand what the issue is and why you feel the need to take such drastic measures.

     Admittedly Pesci can be quite the pushover and one hell of a softie when it comes to setting you straight but he'll do whatever it takes to keep you from taking his child. At first Pesci started to look for new locks to make it harder for you to leave and was prepared to isolate you in your old room until this blew over. Then he remembered that he'd have to find a good explanation to tell the child so they don't assume he's abusing you.

     Before going that route Pesci plans to ruin your relationship with the child. He starts to purposely rile you up when he hears the child coming so they'll catch you snapping at him and sometimes throwing things at him. When they ask about it Pesci defends you poorly by saying it's your temper that made you do it and you can't always control yourself.

    Pesci is aware that this is a horrible thing to do but if the kid starts to fear you they wouldn't want to leave him. It also leads the child to believe that Pesci locks you away to protect the both of them from your angry days, leaving him to be seen as a father doing what's best for his child.

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