Darling Is Abducted From Home

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Request: what if darling gets kidnapped somehow while living with them? how would they react? (can be any character and can be how many you would like to be)

Tw: abduction,


    The fact that someone even broke into his home is unsettling, very few people know his address and he rarely invites people over. Whoever did this must have figured out he had a darling and is using you as bait. Illuso will be highly annoyed that he has to deal with this but you're worth the trouble.

    As much as he wants to find you on his own he'll ask his previous mentors, Sorbet & Gelato, to help him teach your abductors. They won't do it unless he pays them and will finally see his secret darling. Rather than playing with his victims he cuts to the chase and works quickly, not wanting to find your corpse.

    When they finally find you located in the back of a gelateria your captors used for a cover Illuso let's the sadistic duo handle the interrogation and execution. He takes you into the mirror world checking for any injuries, after this he's definitely increasing his home security for your safety. He'll be open to helping you recover using bubble baths and massages, even though it's not that big a deal to him.


    It's possible to happen at Formaggio's place because he doesn't have any type of security and he's never thought someone would be bold enough to break into his home. When Formaggio comes home he checks the room assuming you're sleeping or ignoring him, but since you're nowhere to be found and the house has this off vibe he pieces it together quickly and sets off to find you.

    Although he isn't as good a tracker as Sorbet, Illuso, & Gelato; Formaggio is great at deduction and pays great attention to details. On his own he'll be just fine but because he doesn't want to risk being outnumbered he brings Risotto. Risotto knows about his darling and will do what he can to find his friend's lover.

    Formaggio is going to treat this like any other day once he finally finds you, asking if you're okay then continuing as if it never happened. There won't be any doting or spoiling however Formaggio offers some takeout or a walk around a park. He isn't adding a security system or any of the sorts, because if someone wants to kill you they'll get past it regardless and it's a waste of money.


    He's nerves are a mess when he comes home and can't find you anywhere. At first Pesci didn't want to believe that you'd sneak out again and kind of hopes something happened. When he gives himself a second to get his thoughts together he notices little messes around the house.

    Usually when you are trying to leave you try to be as clean as possible so he won't realize you're gone too soon, so something bad must've happened. Pesci immediately calls Prosciutto for help since he isn't great at tracking and Prosciutto enables Pesci's unhealthy behavior.

    Pesci apologizes profusely for being too careless with your safety once he finds you. He'll degrade himself and say things like "I'd hate me too if I were you" and "i don't deserve to be loved by you". He mopes more than usual and tries to stay out of your way for a while since he believes it's his fault you were abducted.

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