Darling Doesn't React During Their Punishment

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Request: Hey How would the yandere squad react to a rather emotionless s/o Like they don't react to anything even when they're being punished

Tw: abuse,


     Most of the time you're being punished because you're irritating the hell out of Formaggio and he wants to shut you up or have you cry yourself to sleep. Although he's looking for results rather than your reactions that vary depending on the method he's using, Formaggio does enjoy the occasional shriek and weak efforts to get away. When you're silent and unmoving as he lashes out at you he notices, but won't bother to look into it or think too much about it. As long as you get the message he could care less about how you take the punishment.


     Before Ghiaccio continues to express his anger or disappointment he will ask you if you think he's overreacting and why you're acting as if he's the one that's at fault. Your lack of reaction pisses him off more than anything, so do you not care about what he's trying to say? He doesn't expect you to cry your eyes out or scream at the top of your lungs, just say something. It turns into a one-sided argument when you remain silent after he interrogates you and ends with him storming off to cool off somewhere.


     The silence has his stomach turning, whenever you're too calm around Illuso he gets the idea that you're planning something. It also feels like you take him as a joke when you're calm during his temper tantrums, are you trying to mock him while he disciplines you? Why else would you be nonchalant the entire time, Illuso's ego isn't too pleased. To regain his self esteem from the "stunt" you've pulled Illuso would trap you into his mirror world, not bothering to check in on you for a couple of days. You know better than to make him feel foolish.


     The both of you would have a staring contest because he's not sure what's supposed to happen next when you just sit there. Is he doing this right? Are you even fazed by the fact that you're losing more privileges right now? He's not confrontational and he's not about to ruin his throat yelling at you for a reaction. After sending you to your room Melone feels awkward and even asks if he should bring you some snacks in a few minutes. Watching as you maintain eye contact while he shuts the door behind him sends a shiver down his spine but he definitely prefers the lack of emotion over tears and violence.


     The silence that comes after Pesci confronts you for your behavior and tells you how the next few days are going or what privileges you've lost as a result of said behavior is brutal. He tries to keep his cool and remain strong in front of you but the way you just stare at him starts to make him fidget in his seat. It's almost as if he's the one being punished to break the silence Pesci asks if you understand why he's doing this,of course you say nothing so he walks away before he starts to feel even more ridiculous.


     Another one that isn't exactly looking for a reaction. Prosciutto's punishments have range and they aren't always the same, it mostly depends on the situation for the most part. When you don't say a word after he's done talking to you he grabs your chin to make you face him and asks if you understood. As long as the answer is yes he isn't going to give you the pleasure of making a fool of himself trying to get a reaction out of you.


     Your silence is welcomed after a heated discussion that ends with Risotto raising his voice or shoving you into your shared room. He doesn't like having to treat you badly for you to understand why you are wrong or why you shouldn't go behind his back. It gives him the silence he needs to calm himself down and regain control of his emotions before he does something he'd regret. It also makes him feel better than he would if he had to listen to you cry yourself to sleep.

Sorbet & Gelato:

     Your lack of reaction sucks the air out of the room, and they're almost offended when you don't react. Being the sadist they are your reactions, big or small, make the punishment fun and they look forward to seeing them! Without so much as a peep coming from your mouth as Gelato continues to slash through the flesh of your arm, Sorbet tells him to stop. It seems you're over it and couldn't care less about being disciplined.

     To better your experience they go through another trial and error phase to find the punishments that work best for you, or them in this case. They don't mind bringing in another person to use as a punching bag if that's what it takes to get a reaction. They'd even force you to do the dirty work if it will help you learn your lesson, try not to hold back because it'd only make it worse for you and the victim. They'll find a way to get reaction one way or another.

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