Would You Rather: Risotto or Diavolo

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Tw:possessive & controlling behavior, abduction, unhealthy relationship, mentions of carving human body

   Be with Risotto and have small freedoms at the price of a scar of his name engraved on your body and illuso keeping tabs on you , or be with Diavolo and never go out unless Doppio is present at all times and having a deal with them being extremely jealous/possessive but you will be spoiled tremendously each time .


    With Risotto there are more freedoms such as leaving your home whenever you want as long as it's not dark out and you tell him where you are going.  He even allows you to visit your family and friends if they live close enough. The longer you stay with him the more you'll forget the reason you are even with him and just how terrifying he used to be.

    The minute you revert back to your stubborn phase and tell him you never asked to be with him, Risotto reminds you why you stayed with him. Although he wishes not to , he summons metallica over your previous scar to show you once more that you belong to him.

    Finding the courage to leave him will be hard but if you decide to try it won't end well. The minute you stir away from your path towards home someone will know {most likely Illuso}. You keep looking over your shoulder and you see no sign of him but it just doesn't feel right. As the view of the train station gets bigger the feeling in your chest continues to get tighter and tighter.

    Finally, you reached the entrance. It feels as if you would collapse,but not out of excitement. An immense pain surges through your left ankle. Before anyone could offer to help, you see him.

    "I must've been too nice, maybe even naive to think this wouldn't happen"


    You can't even remember how this relationship started yet you know the option to leave is not present. After giving you about a hundred death threats and promises , You are certain that option was nonexistent. Doppio's grip tightens to silently command you to walk faster.

    There were a lot of people out today, maybe it had something to do with the fact that it was saturday. Doppio enters a small store and encourages you to pick out some new clothes, even though you spent most of your days in the apartment and wouldn't see an event or party for quite a while.

    After browsing through the entire collection and turning down the help of every associate for their own safety, there were only a few pieces that stood out and it was getting pretty late, deciding to wrap it up you approach the register.

    'Would this be all for you?' the cashier's sing song tone already making you nauseous. You layed out your clothes quickly wanting this to be over "Nice choice, this color really brings out the color of your eyes" causing you groan as they winked your way.

    "What was that?" Your eyes widen a bit out of fear almost shuddering from the venom in his tone. Doppio's face changes drastically, no longer holding the face of an sweet and sometimes cowardly man. You didn't even need to turn around to see it. He hardly waste time pulling you out of the store as he rant about burning the building down with them inside.

    "This is why you can't leave the house, I knew this would happen why didn't you say anything?!" before you can begin to explain the underboss diverts his attention to the 'ringing' of the jewelry box that Held one of the rings he bought you earlier.

    You patiently wait for an answer.

    "Boss says to enjoy the stroll while you can, this is the last time he'll let you out" 

    Of course he did.

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