Do They Feel Bad About Leaving Scars, Bruises, Etc

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Request: Do they feel bad if darling has visible bruises? Cuts? Marks? Do they feel anything seeing their darling walking around and bruised going just about their day? Like is there no ounce of guilt in this (ik sorbet and gelato dont care lol)

Tw: victim-blaming, domestic abuse, gaslighting,


     The sight of cuts on your skin is unnerving. Ghiaccio doesn't like putting his hands on you, he'd grab your arm or push you away without a care but he always regrets the more brutal incidents. He knows he could've been gentle or at least walk away before resorting to violence. The visible scratches, welts, or knots remind Ghiaccio that he is still not as great at controlling his temper as he thought he was. Until your wounds heal he would be careful not to handle you roughly and tries to keep his cool so he doesn't repeat his actions.


     He does not hold himself accountable for any wounds you receive instead, he blames you. You wouldn't be cut up if you didn't have such a smart mouth and you wouldn't be bruised if you lost the attitude. Whether or not you're going to be roughed up or mistreated is completely up to you, don't act like he did it for the hell of it. Yeah, he loves to drag out a beating or taunt you for it but again it's not like he does it for no reason. So don't expect him to baby you or kiss your boo-boos, he doesn't apologize for discipline.


     After any physical punishments, prosciutto always tends to your wounds before sending you off to go sulk or rant about hating him. He never just leaves you to figure it out on your own. Seeing your injuries as you lounge around the house doesn't bother him or cause him to regret his actions because you knew better than to cross any lines and were well aware of the rules he's set. Had you not intentionally broken them, you wouldn't be covered in welts & scratches.


     Illuso accuses you of parading your wounds and exaggerating for attention. When you're groaning in pain he makes it clear that nobody feels sorry for you and tells you to cut it out. You are forced to cover up any injuries that happen to be visible, you could either wrap them in bandages or wear clothes that'll hide them. Truth be told, it makes him feel bad about his actions and he hates that he feels guilty when you were the one that set him off. So until you've healed Illuso doesn't want to see a single injury.


     Melone tries to explain that it was never his intention to hurt you and that he only meant to have a civil conversation before everything went sideways. Every time he sees you fiddling with the marks on your skin he feels the need to remind you that it wasn't on purpose, even though it could've been avoided had he kept his anger in check. Sometimes Melone tries to keep you busy so you don't have time to think about what he did to you and to replace the bad memory with something good.


     He rarely gets to the point of putting his hands on you but when he does Pesci feels a bit bad about it. He'll constantly ask if you understand why he did it or ask for you to forgive him. pretty soon it turns into gaslighting. Don't you remember how many times he catered to you and treated you with kindness only for you to insult and degrade him? Or when you'd throw things at him, trying to fight him all because he wanted to take care of you? "How was my outburst any different from your tantrums?"

Risotto Nero:

     When you escape the house or get caught breaking locks Risotto always uses Metallica to punish you, leaving far too many scars on your body. It isn't nice seeing you in pain or tracing over the countless scratches but Risotto won't be upset about them. You intentionally defied him knowing there would be consequences and only take his warning seriously when he uses brute force. Even as you avoid Risotto, he cleans the wounds and replaces your bandages so you don't get an infection while trying to hurt his feelings.

Sorbet & Gelato:

     They don't pay any mind to the marks they've left on your skin because that was kind of the point. When you go against them you get a new scar to remind you not to do it again. Sorbet uses the freshly made cuts as an excuse to pamper you a little because it's not often he can dote Gelato since he rarely gets injured and doesn't like being smothered often. Gelato likes to grab your pained arm as a threat when you start talking back again or think you're invincible because you already have an injury, assuming he won't give you another one to deal with.

Diavolo & Doppio:

     Doppio could care less about how you look after he's punished you because he's told you too many times not to pester him about your new life. He's tried his best to help you get comfortable but you seem to be too stubborn to try. You're also well aware that leaving him is supposed to be a death sentence and you're lucky that a few markings are all you ended up with, this time. The only time Doppio feels bad is when he tells you that he forgives you but the boss encourages him to punish you anyways, not caring that Doppio already promised he wouldn't hit you this time.

Cioccolata & Secco:

     Cioccolata is proud of every cut he's had to stitch and each bruise he's left on your skin. Each one has its meaning and tells a new story about your journey to perfection while under his care. It's nothing to be ashamed of or feel bad about. Even if he somehow accidentally hurt you, Cioccolata wouldn't be upset over it. Secco likes toying with the scratches on your skin and pushing the bruises, watching you wince in pain can be quite the entertainment. The only problem is that his hands are dirty most of the time so you might get an infection.

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