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Request: How do they ( pesci, prosciutto, ghiaccio) act if someone is constantly trying to get with their darling? Say this person is like darlings friend

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Request: How do they ( pesci, prosciutto, ghiaccio) act if someone is constantly trying to get with their darling? Say this person is like darlings friend.

C|TW: None


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Your friend has no chance once Prosciutto finds out about their little crush. He loves forcing himself into their space and whisking you away before they have the chance to stop him. Sometimes, Prosciutto throws a clip of money at them while walking off. It isn't a waste of money but a flex that he has the means to give you a comfortable life.

He's so rude and insufferable when they are around him. He would speak as if they weren't there and spend the time talking around them. You know that thing parents do where they find a way to subtly insult you? He can't get enough of doing it, picking at them until they leave. Can't say he's not being cordial when he's allowing that bum to sip on the champagne he bought. Cause it was definitely meant to be for you and him only.

    Prosciutto loves grand displays of affection & courting. So when he hears that you've gotten a promotion or any little achievement he's arranging a celebration. Your friend is more than welcome to come and watch as Prosciutto spoils you with gifts and fine catering. Purposely telling them to just show up so he can scoff when they don't bring a gift. To a party they didn't even know was happening.

In the end, your friend just can't compete. Given that Pros has gone above and beyond to show his love, there's no way he'd lose. But then again, everyone loves an underdog. So there's a chance that you might choose your friend out of pity, isn't there? If you are foolish enough to do that, expect them to be dead by midnight. Prosciutto won't accept that loss.


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Pesci has always been ready to play this little game, he's more than ready. He ruins all their romantic attempts with ease. Burning their letters before you read them, interrupting their plans with bullshit he's made up on the spot. He gives you amazing gifts when he knows they're planning to surprise you with one. It leaves them feeling insecure since Pesci's gifts are hard to follow without warning. I mean he's stalked you long enough to know what you love the most.

Suddenly your friend stops showing up to the events & parties you've been planning. Their invites have been ruined but they don't know that. They feel hurt when it seems like you carry on just fine without them, maybe even preferring to exclude them. It's hard for Pesci to not be giddy and a little smug about his actions, but can you blame him? They probably don't suspect him since everyone is quick to underestimate him.

When your friend happens to catch onto Pesci's game and starts bringing their A-game, he poisons them. Or rather exposes them to something they're allergic to for the sake of buying time. Sure you'd feel bad and shower them with a care basket and attention. However, you'd be an emotional mess with Pesci, bawling your eyes out as he comforts you because you didn't want your friend to know how scared you were. Gaining more appreciation and love for him since he was there in your time of need.

His 'rival' is more than welcome to call him out for sabotaging them but without the proof, they just look like the big jerk harassing the harmless ugly guy. Of course, you tell them to get a grip and leave him alone. Even though he's a hardened assassin, thanks to Pros, he quickly falls into the role of the victim. His fake tears threaten to spill as you yell at your friend. Pesci has no shame and could care less about being seen as a weak man. So long as it puts you in his corner.


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Risotto wins by doing nothing! He doesn't feed into their one-sided rivalry or pettiness. His focus is on you so nothing else matters. Yet for some reason, your friend is emboldened by Nero's silence. They assume he's admitting defeat and get comfortable with their subliminal insults. But Risotto continues to ignore it. You on the other hand may feel embarrassed to be around them when they're acting like that. Too bad you can't dig a hole and hide until it's over.

Worry not! You don't have to cringe for long. The last thing Risotto wants is for you to witness two adults fighting over you as if you're an object. He redirects the conversation to you. Asking about your life and the little things you've mentioned to him before. So it's not long until the both of you are speaking as if your friend isn't there.

    Unlike Prosciutto and Pesci, Risotto doesn't sweep you away from your friend. It's actually the opposite. He usually visits you when you're alone early in the morning or late at night. Your friend loves to take advantage of this! Stealing you away with plans and sudden outings. Feeling proud of themselves for taking what little time Risotto had with you.

That's all it takes for Risotto to nip this in the bud. Cause quite frankly he's annoyed and the "drama" ran its course. There's only one way he could think of ending it if they're really bothered by his presence. He waits until you're not around to confront your friend. I guarantee you the petty shit stops when Risotto catches them alone at night, standing under a flickering street light. At least it will if they value their life.

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