Needles & Babies

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Request: Hello! I would like to request again, please. How will the the yandere (Risotto, Prosciutto, Pesci, Melone, and Ghiaccio) deal with their darling who is deathly afraid of needles? Their darling refuses to comply, which of the yandere will threaten them with needle injections? Maybe the yandere wants children but darling doesn't, so the yandere makes the darling choose which injection is better; the needle or the yandere's peen?

Note: this ask sounds like a crack fic scenario but here you go Anon 😔

Tw: 18+ minors do not interact, non-con, dub-con, afab reader, manipulation, forced pregnancy, drugging, somnophilia,


He knows that you can't control your reactions to needles or the fear you have but it doesn't make it less ridiculous. However you don't have anything to worry about when it comes to Ghiaccio chasing you through the halls with a syringe in his hand. Not only is it dangerous but he'd rather not deal with your shrill screams and wild punches to get a baby. Ghiaccio tells you that he wants you to have his child as the two of you enjoy a nice dinner he prepared especially for you.

You're aware of his jealousy and his possessive tendencies so hearing that he wants to tie you down with a baby shouldn't come as a surprise. You didn't want to have a child for the wrong reason so you denied his request and continued to eat your meal in silence until your muscles relaxed tremendously. Ghiaccio pulled you into his arms before you could fall to the floor, you stared into his eyes waiting for an explanation.

"I knew you'd be too stubborn to understand how great this would be for us"


Melone has had you under his roof for months and he was getting tired of holding off his plans to get you pregnant. You keep saying no to his advances and suave attempts to get you under him so it's not like he just jumped straight to using your fear of needles against you. Melone came into your separate room dressed in an extremely short lab coat wearing a bright pink thong and a stethoscope, hanging around his neck.

Instead of jumping straight in he sauntered over to you while you look at him with a confused expression, before you can speak he straddles your waist and pushes you down into the bed. Pulling out a syringe from the pocket of the lab coat Melone brings it to his face and gives it a few taps to get rid of any air. Your eyes widened at the sight in front of you, he wasn't a nurse or doctor yet he planned on stabbing you anyways.

"The doctor told me to administer some sedatives to prep you for surgery, but if you're afraid of needles I have the perfect alternative~"


He's been seeing babies and toddlers a lot and took it as a sign that the two of you should start trying for a baby. Pesci didn't think you'd be against it because you were more caring and loving than you used to be. When he asked to start a family you rejected him saying you only tolerated him, but it wasn't enough to make him give up. As you turned to leave a sharp needle was pushed below the skin of your shoulder. Since you weren't expecting it, it couldn't have hurt you too bad.

Later as you now sleep on the soft mattress, Pesci continues to sink into your warm hole with ease. Earlier he had taken the time to stretch you on his lube covered fingers to prevent any discomfort the next day. As much as he wanted to speed up his thrust and chase his pleasure, he kept his steady pace. Pesci still wasn't too sure if the sedatives in your system would keep you asleep for long. He was right to be cautious, you started to mumble asking Pesci what he was doing.

"I'm sorry just a little while longer, I'll make it up to you tomorrow I swear"


The way you panic or run at the sight of needles will always have Prosciutto wondering how you developed such a phobia. A needle can't do too much damage unless you move too much while it's being used. He was ready to have you carry his child and start a new chapter of your life now that he successfully shaped you into a docile and obedient darling. Unfortunately you found out that you'd receive plenty of shots for the baby.

Tired of wasting his breath trying to persuade you that you'll be fine and that a needle has the same brief pain as a pinch, Prosciutto leaves to get a few ties. Having been past the point of needing restraints Prosciutto had locked them away to prevent you from getting any ideas, so his ties will have to do. You thrash against his efforts to hold you down but it was useless, Prosciutto was still able to tie your arms to your folded legs leaving you spread open and defenseless.

"We'll deal with the needles when we get there, until then let's enjoy the process"


It's extremely ironic that you're afraid of needles and Risotto happens to love using them to make his victims suffer. Risotto had no intention of relying on fear tactics to get his way. He never brings up his stand's ability or makes a show of turning iron into tiny needles, after you witnessed it first hand you scared yourself into submission.

Risotto decided not to let his fear of losing you ruin his chance of starting his own family and was more than excited to start trying for a baby. You, on the other hand, weren't as sure a child was best for the both of you when Risotto was leading an assassination team and keeps you locked away. Risotto didn't respond to your answer and remained silent, his face told you he wasn't happy with your opinion.

It wasn't really a question, it was more of a cue to prepare yourself for multiple rounds of sex. Risotto asks if you're sure it isn't time to try as he summoned Metallica, absentmindedly toying with the needles in his palm. That was all it took to have you undress.

"Wipe that look off your face and I'll let you choose the first position"

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