They Don't Love You But You Have A Child Together

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Request: Ok get this The Squad loses interest, But they have a kid now?! O.0

Tw: infanticide, death of child & reader,


     He can't be bothered to raise a child even when he has a partner willing to help him, so I think you know what comes next. Illuso abandons both of you in a heartbeat. He's not taking a small photo of you, or any baby pictures to remember his child's face. Illuso will watch as you're cooking dinner for the night and tell you not to make him any because he doesn't plan on staying any longer. You might think Illuso is joking but after giving you one last kiss on the forehead he gathers his belongings and leaves, not bothering to see the kid. Maybe he'll come back once he feels like settling down but until then he'll decline every call and ignore every letter.


     It is hard to admit that he doesn't love you like he thought he did but it's more challenging now that there is a kid involved. For a while, Pesci will pretend like nothing has changed and forces himself to provide for the both of you since he dragged you into this. You won't realize he doesn't love you anymore until he finally admits it once you pester him about his sluggish behavior. He suggests that you get in touch with your family so you'll have someone to go to but he does plan on financially supporting you and being in his child's life.

Sorbet & Gelato:

     Gelato loves the child too much to just part with them but they can't take them since they'd have to leave for assignments and could put them in danger by leaving them with different people. Luckily for you, that means they won't have to go the murder route like they originally planned at the beginning of the relationship. You don't have a choice but to stay in their home while the three of you raise the child together. During this time Sorbet and Gelato may become platonic yanderes even though they lost their romantic feelings for you, it'll be hard for you to maintain a love life with them being overprotective of their child's parent.


     It's not hard for Prosciutto to get rid of the both of you since the kid was only meant to keep you entertained so you wouldn't run away from him. He isn't happy that it has to end this way but you've made it clear you wouldn't keep your mouth shut once you returned home. You spent a lot of time ranting about sending him to prison and letting him rot in a cell. Maybe if you weren't so hooked on getting even he'd have let the both of you live.

Risotto Nero:

     You are still important to him, it doesn't matter that the feelings aren't romantic anymore it just means it'll be platonic from now on. Risotto will remove himself from the home he's trapped you in and return to his apartment, sometimes visiting you to see his baby. He picks up his stalking habits again and always has an idea of what you are doing at the moment or where you're going. As long as the both of you are alive Risotto will be sure to protect you from his lifestyle.


     He tried to use manipulation to get you to love him, he tried to isolate you so you'd grow attached to him, and he brought a child into the mix to force you to cooperate with him. Now that you are actually in love with him Ghiaccio isn't satisfied and finds that he doesn't love you anymore. He is highly annoyed at the irony of the situation and will probably abandon both you and the child out of frustration. The only time he'll come back is if he finds out you're running your mouth about him to the authorities.


      Formaggio isn't going to force a relationship for the sake of the kid and he doesn't care to keep you around for the kid. After all the pain he's caused you and murdering those close to you just to have you to himself, Formaggio knows that he can't trust you to keep quiet. He'll give you a week to spend time with your child, not telling you what he had in mind before he causes you to overdose on sleeping pills. He'll take great care of the child though and he will be picky when choosing their step parents.


     When Melone falls out of love it's obvious because he won't be doting on you anymore, stops asking you about your day, and isn't quick to cling to you like he normally would. Instead, he gives you one-word responses and might give you a weak hug before he leaves the house. You don't even have time to be suspicious about his behavior because he uses you to create a junior once he finally confirms the love isn't there. The kid on the other hand will be safe and probably be used to lure in women to create more juniors.

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