Prosciutto Reacting To Darling Being A Siren (Mermaid)

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Request: I noticed that Prosci wasn't included in the merperson ask is it possible to do one for him with that ask?

Author's Note: Yea I definitely forgot to add his but I already posted it when I realized it, so here is Prosciutto.

Before your reveal, Prosciutto never thought much about the possibilities of mythical beings, having stands was enough for him, he's going to need a minute to process this. He's wasn't planning on swimming before but he'll hop in the water to get a good look at your new body. If you wanted to leave him now would be the time to sell him a Free Willy type of story because he'd definitely buy it since this is all new to him.

Knowing you're meant to live in the ocean Prosciutto isn't sure if the two of you would be able to stay together but he's willing to change a few things to make it work. He no longer uses any sort of locks to trap you inside and won't mind you leaving to return to the ocean. Prosciutto's stand might not be much help against you but he'll still tell you to watch yourself if you're being disrespectful and treats you the same.

Yandere La Squadra x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now