Trying To Escape With Your Infant

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Request: I know I had already made a request but my mind is running wild right now LOL, so how would La Squadra react to their darling trying to escape with their newborn? Like she was caught in the middle of the act

Tw: afab reader implied for Pros, child endangerment, verbal abuse, degrading, gaslighting, child injury,


    Ghiaccio isn't a fool, he figured you'd do this sooner or later, that's why he was able to freeze the hinges on the door, before you could open it wide enough to exit. While you're frozen in place from being caught, Ghiaccio gently removes the infant from your arms, careful not to wake them up, ignoring your weak attempt to stop him.

    Ghiaccio walks to the nursery not bothering to yell for you to follow. You're already behind him worried that he'll hurt the baby because he caught you trying to run again, Ghiaccio turns on the baby monitor and ushers you to your shared room after locking the nursery.

    Ghiaccio won't yell or hit you for escaping this time, he'll ask where you were planning on going with a newborn when you have no relatives or friends that'll house you and why you were trying to leave when the two of you have a child together. Don't bother saying you were scared he'd hurt them or that you wanted to give them a better life, Ghiaccio will only be offended.

    No excuse you have stops Ghiaccio from keeping you away from the baby. He can't risk you endangering your child on a whim for ridiculous reasons. Until you get it through your head that there's no reason to leave Ghiaccio, you're not going to be able to spend time with the baby unsupervised.


    You won't get too far or even be able to prepare for an escape with his baby, Melone is always around the baby, you won't remember a time when he wasn't near them. But that won't stop you from sneaking into the nursery to take your kid when Melone is passed out after a long day of research and peek-a-boo.

    Melone spared no expense for the baby especially for the baby monitors, the quality is great enough to catch the rustling of the covers and the soft zipper of the diaper bag; Doesn't help that Melone sets the monitor on his pillow to hear it better. He's groggy when he gets up to check the baby yet seeing you dressed up ready to leave clears the fog of sleep.

    Melone blocks the doorway of the nursery and takes the baby out of your arms. He's finally able to be the father he always knew he could be, you're not about to ruin this. The only yandere known to kick their darling out the house as punishment. You're better off returning to your previous home until Melone forgives you.

    Although Melone would rather have the both of you in his life he's willing to drop you for the sake of keeping his child. So unless you'd want to be banned from your baby's life you'd better refrain from threatening Melone's parental status.


    Surprisingly nonchalant watching you carry the delicate bundle past the living room not seeing him since Prosciutto dimmed the lights because of his headaches. You had the blue tote that was decorated with tiny bears and baby bottles slung over your shoulders clearly planning to escape once again.

    As you reach for the door knob your body is aging to the point where you need to take a seat before dropping your baby from the sudden change. Instead of executing a brutal punishment he takes a deep breath.

    "So tell me, what was your plan? You said you wanted a better life for the baby, how were you going to give them one, you're penniless? You'd rather have your child suffer than be grateful for the life you have?"

    You had love for your child, which is beautiful, however love isn't going to clean them, love isn't going to feed them, and love isn't going to provide shelter. Prosciutto controlled your finances, even went as far as taking away your cash when he found you saving up. You couldn't leave Prosciutto if you wanted to.


    You're giving him another reason to give your baby up for adoption however Illuso has learned that the best way to control you is through the kid. Illuso announced that he was going out to get tiramisu since he craved it and left into the mirror world about fifteen minutes ago. He only said that as a cover for watching you in the mirror world.

    You have been complaining about his lack of care for the kid which offended him deeply. Illuso holds the baby when they cry, feeds them, even lets them sleep on his chest; But he avoids changing their foul diapers and lets you wash them. Illuso opted to give you some space assuming you were fussing because he upset you.

    It was nice to see you smiling at your child as they looked around the room searching for nothing in particular. That was cute for a while, what ruined the interactions was your soft promises to protect them from Illuso. He stopped fawning over the two of you and watched as you gathered your things along with the baby to head for the door. Illuso lets you open the door but comes out the mirror to walk behind you unnoticed. He steps on the back of your shoes a bit to throw you off balance causing you to fall while holding the infant.

    "You idiot! You dropped the fucking baby! Yet you want to protect them from me?!"

    Before you can say a word he's going in about how bad of a parent you are, Illuso drags you into the house with his free hand. Thanks to your careless behavior he has to take the baby to the hospital to be safe, yes he's telling the doctor you did this. The fact that he'd go this route is disgusting but it gives Illuso a reason to make you feel unfit.

    You could accuse him of being at fault for the baby falling to which he replies if it helps you sleep at night, it doesn't stop his insults. He plays the frightened parent role like his life depends on it, clutching the baby tightly when you come too close, standing over you while you hold the baby, reaching out whenever you move in the slightest way. Illuso also makes a point to beg you to not hurt the baby while he's away. Now you'll see how you made him feel for implying that the baby needed to be protected from his father.

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