Formaggio, Ghiaccio, & Melone with an s/o that is shy about affection

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TW: mentions of abuse, sexual harassment, possessive/obsessive behavior

Formaggio :

No matter how shy you are, Formaggio has the personality that allows people to relax around him and have a good time. However since this is the man that has confessed to having an unorthodox feeling of love for you and scares the hell out of you at the hint of rebellion, it didn't work this time.

He literally forced you into the relationship and already sees you as his lover, so he'll jump straight into physical contact and cutesy pet names as if you've been together for years. When he sees how shy you are he teases you for decades and comes up with a million ways to say

"No need to be shy baby, I'll only bite if you ask nicely"

It only makes him want to hold and tease you even more since he thinks you give the best reactions. Especially when he randomly kisses you throughout your day and carries on as if nothing happened. Pulling you into his lap under the guise of missing you, just to see you mumble and find any reason to move away.

Formaggio adores your shyness and will never be bothered or annoyed with it as long as he still gets a little loving.


With Ghia this could go a couple ways honestly. On one hand he gets annoyed with the way you shy away from him and on the other he's fine with it as long as you don't complicate things for him.

He doesn't really initiate physical contact so he won't really mind if you decide not to hang on him at all time and he sort of appreciates it since it's kind of a pet peeve for him. He also understands ,given your situation, why you'd act this way.

His only issue would be getting you to talk to him. He wants to be able to rant to you about his day and the little things that tick him off and if you're shy about holding a conversation with him he gets annoyed. Especially if it seems like you're not even paying attention to what he's saying.

Absolutely hates hearing "umm i guess so" "i dont know..." "maybe it's... just ..what if...". If he wanted a half-assed response he would've gone to Pesci! If you do this he is bound to have a fit. Until you give him a better response he makes it obvious he's pissed.

After the first time that happens though, Ghiaccio will make an attempt at getting you to open up by making you speak up more often. He would start each day by asking you to talk about how you feel or maybe something that you want to do for the day as a way to have you warm up to talking more. This will go on until he believes you are more comfortable speaking with him.


He could not care any less about your shyness. No matter how many times you beg him to give you space or let you have a moment to yourself, he is breathing down your neck.

From the moment he places you in his home your personal space has disappeared. He will always cuddle up to you when he sees you lounging around minding your own business. There will even be times when you wake up in his arms feeling him rub circles on your back as he whispers how much he loves you even though you asked to sleep alone.

He never gives you the chance to shy away from his affections since he just latches onto you the minute he craves your attention. If you ask him to tone it down he'll pretend to be offended and accuse you of hating him then say he won't feel better until you give him a kiss.

Your shyness will never make him give up on smothering you with his love or keep him from whispering his deepest desires and how he wants to please you as he trails his hands over your shaking form.

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