Darling Doesn't Care For The Baby

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Request: A request for all the members that were on page: what if after the baby is born the darling doesn't want to take care of them? Like won't even look, touch, or breastfeed the baby?

Tw: afab reader, death of child, domestic abuse, forced pregnancy,


     Say less, it doesn't even matter at this point. He will be the one to give the child everything they need since you aren't up to being their parent. Melone's not going to sit around guilt tripping and accusing you of being a bad parent. He knew this was a possibility and was prepared to have all the responsibilities regarding his child, just sign these papers to surrender all your rights and let him do what he needs to care for his baby.

     Don't get it twisted, you're still his lover. You are not going anywhere just because you don't want to be a parent. The three of you will continue to live together. You're free to do as you please as Melone does his parental duties but make sure you keep your opinions about his child to yourself unless you want a problem. He may have kept you around out of love and understanding but he isn't going to tolerate any negative energy around his child.


     You're really testing his limits right now, he knows kids are annoying but damn a little help would be nice right about now. Newborns are too much of a challenge for Formaggio and he hates how demanding and needy they are and you aren't making it any better when you refuse to at least give him advice. There's a lot of passive aggressive comments and snapping coming from him as he rocks the child to sleep after they spent a half of eternity screaming.

     Because you won't even hold the baby for Formaggio while he does things he buys a lot of swings, seats, and carries to keep the baby satisfied until he's finished doing what he needs. Since breast milk is best for the baby and free, Formaggio still uses a breast pump to steal milk from you. You could be sleeping and wake up to him leaning over your bed trying to adjust the pump on your boob and if you refuse he just ties you to the nearest furniture and continues anyways.


     Being delusional comes in handy for situations like this because seeing you push away the baby or drown out their cries as you keep doing whatever it is that has your attention really upsets Pesci. He's starting to get these violent thoughts about making you as helpless as your infant and seeing how you'd like it. Instead of acting on his thoughts Pesci reminds himself that postpartum depression can cause you to want nothing to do with your baby. So it's not your fault, you just need time to recover.

     He's going to take all the responsibilities and do his best to keep your child healthy. Each morning he brings you breakfast in bed and some medicine to help relieve any lingering pains you are dealing with while having the baby in a carrier. He'll worry about building your bond with the child when you're feeling much better, until then Pesci will work hard to care for you and his child.


     In retrospect you did say you wouldn't want to have a baby any time soon and would rather chuck yourself in front of a moving car, but how was he supposed to know you were actually going to disown your baby. Why would you think he'd let you get the joy of being free to do as you pleased while ignoring your baby. Illuso is frustrated, raising a child is too much for him to handle on his own. He wanted the both of you to do this together!

     Although Illuso doesn't like small children he tries his hardest to care for the baby. When he's asking you to help him out for a second or to give him a little advice for something and you ignore him he gets angry. You don't want to raise the kid, fine, but don't make it harder for him when he's actually trying. Likely to end up boxing you for making it harder. In the end, Illuso ends up giving the child away because he feels like he can't properly care for them.


     You are stressing him the hell out with this baby. He cannot be at home twenty-four seven, he already stayed at home for the first three weeks to care for the baby while you recover for a bit. Prosciutto doesn't understand why he's coming home to a baby sitting in an overstuffed diaper and seeing that none of the bottles were used for milk. You cleaned the house and cooked yet the child was neglected the entire time he was out. Prosciutto is shouting at you and showing you the hungry baby asking why they haven't been fed or changed but you ignore him and ask him if he's ready to eat.

     He is going to put you through the same treatment. Let's see how you like to be starved and left to sit in your soiled clothing for hours at a time. You're going to be going back to the isolation room and ignored. After the intervals of isolation and you are adamant on ignoring the baby Prosciutto has no choice but to hire a nanny to care for the kid while he is out, but he's not going to stop trying to get you to be a parent.


     Ghiaccio is not about to spend his time trying to get you to be a better parent or begging you to take care of your child when he is busy, because at this point the only thing he wants to do is fight. The only reason he's trying to understand and sympathize with you is because he knows it's his fault for forcing you into this in the first place. He doesn't know why he thought you would have just gone along with it. But even then Ghiaccio can't stop himself from being frustrated at your lack of effort.

     The issue Ghiaccio cannot ignore is the fact that you know he isn't going to bring anyone else around his child or allow anyone else into his home to watch you or the baby, so why the hell can't you feed & change them when he is gone. You can't just at least just see them as a child you're babysitting for him, why would you leave an infant starving? Ghiaccio will start to treat you poorly and is debating on whether or not he should punish you harshly or let you have your moment.

Sorbet & Gelato:

     Gelato loves the baby with all his heart, he might not show it but he's actually great with children and was happy to find out you were pregnant. That's probably why you were forced to give birth even though you weren't too happy at the thought of having a child. Meanwhile Sorbet was against raising a child because that means more risks and responsibilities to worry about but he couldn't say no when Gelato was so excited to be a father.

     When the baby arrives the two are doing the best they can to adjust to the new changes and duties that come with the baby. Sorbet's making bottles and changing pampers as Gelato bathes the baby and keeps up with appointments, while you do nothing to help. You don't want to put the baby to sleep, you don't want to feed them, you don't want to soothe them while Sorbet prepares the bottle. The first few weeks were pretty understandable, but now you're dragging it out.

     Sorbet didn't want the kid either but they're here and there's nothing you can do to change it, there's no reason to continue neglecting the baby. Since you don't even leave the house they will be forcing you to take care of the child when they leave and they better not come back to a filthy baby. You'll be getting new cuts and burns every time you purposely fail to care for the baby.


     He never planned on keeping the baby anyways, Cioccolata just needed you to watch them until Secco found a decent place to leave them. Cioccolata has more important things to do than catering to a child. The only reason he won't kill the baby himself is that it would be boring. It wouldn't excite him since the act would be too predictable, after all babies only scream and cry. There's no point in wasting anymore of his time on the baby.

     When you're avoiding the child Cioccolata takes it as an act of defiance, and is going to remind you that you're his pet. Nothing more, nothing less. You don't get to choose whether or not you will follow his orders. He doesn't care if you have postpartum depression or that you didn't want a kid in the first place, if he tells you to care for the baby you do it. You get to be his training dummy for a few days and will be experimented on to make up for your uselessness.

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