Who Would Use Cheating as Punishment?

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Wanted to write a bit of angst, there is gaslighting, brief mentions of sex, and of course cheating


    Formaggio will tell you when and if he plans on having a one night stand simply to get a rise out of you. Knows that if you ever tried that on him he would kill your lover whether or not if it was a one time thing but he loves the power it gives him. Will always tell you that he wouldn't do it if you weren't being a brat, especially if you've refused to have sex with him. But it is not a frequent thing, still shitty, but not often. Formaggio knows that even if you are still refusing to accept him that you also don't want him to be out in the streets when he's supposed to be so in love with you. When you do decide to come around to his advances and treat him like your boyfriend he stops cheating since it's just his way of getting you to behave.

    For Prosciutto it is more of an emotional affair not sexual. One day after the two of you get into another argument about him treating you like a possession and being controlling he leaves to calm his nerves. He somehow finds himself bonding with someone else and having all types of personal conversations and slowly starts developing a strong attachment to them as well. Now he finds himself seeking their company a little too often even in the days you show him genuine love. He knows he's wrong once he finds it hard to be without them for too long. When he breaks the news to this mystery person that they will no longer see each other he realizes this is the first time he's confirmed that he was in fact in a relationship. Once he does leave this person he will smother you in gifts and get you in a good mood before he tells you what he had almost done.

     I feel like if Illuso cheats on you it's a way to prove how lucky you are to have him. He's not clueless or dense, he sees the way people gaze at him on a daily basis. So when you have the audacity to mock him and act as if you're too good for him, it makes him want to prove just how desirable he is. Once he starts cheating and flirting with people he likes to watch you squirm with disgust and anger. Laughing when you tell him to let you leave him if he can easily date someone that actually wants him instead of making you miserable. But it also negatively affects him since it becomes obvious to Illuso that he needs your validation to feel complete.

    For Sorbet & Gelato it depends. If it wouldn't really bother you since you've made it clear you didn't even want to be with them that would make cheating a waste of time since it won't hurt. They would tease you a bit by telling you how great someone else looks and wonder if they would be a nice replacement to annoy the hell out of you. But if it will upset you they might have a threesome with some unfortunate soul and give you a front row seat. If you're spiteful after the 'punishment' they'll remind you that you're their lucky third not essential third and encourage you to fix your attitude.


    Risotto is loyal to you even if you happened to be afraid at the moment. Besides he already feels like everyone around him has an underlying fear of him due to his 'demon' eyes and his intimidating appearance. The man literally disappears into the background due to his stands ability, which makes me believe that he is more shy or introverted than the others {aside from Pesci} but not in the sense that he gets nervous around others but he would rather not deal with anyone who isn't his teammates if he doesn't have to. Aside from that, Risotto has a ton of patience and he can find other ways to persuade you to behave.

    Ghiaccio is a softie underneath all of the rage and frustration. All he wants is to be happy and content, cheating will only cause more damage to the toxic relationship. He may have his moments where he gets on you for insistently attempting to leave him, reminds you that you will never be able to run, yet he still loves you dearly and wishes to better himself for you. Ghiaccio adores you and cheating won't do him any good if he wants to make you love him the way he dreams you would.

    We all know Pesci doesn't have the drive or heart to do so especially since he devotes himself to you entirely and lives for you. The thought of cheating will never cross his mind even when you tell him to find someone else he doesn't think about it. Pesci doesn't see others the way he sees you, You are his everything, there will never be another person that will be able to replace you. But if there is someone trying to convince him to live a little and sleep around, Pesci will refuse, and if they keep pushing they'll get a chance to witness his aggressive side since they're asking him to betray his darling who deserves the utmost respect and loyalty.

    Melone will actually come to you and ask for your permission to go out and have sex with someone else and of course, you say yes because you aren't dating. Since it's obvious you won't be rolling in the sheets with him any time soon he will have his one night stands to satisfy himself. You might think he's humoring you by asking yet if you tell him no, Melone will just satisfy himself after asking if you want to watch.

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