Jealous Ghiaccio

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Tw: Controlling and Possessive Behavior, Mentions of Degradation, Stalking or Spying, maybe Forced isolation, forced dependency

Ghiaccio's jealousy stems from wanting your attention at all times and having you within his space if possible. Completely fine with you having friends but also doesn't like you hanging out with them when he isn't around. If you're having fun he has to be there, he's your boyfriend and likes to be the reason you're happy. Almost as if he hates the thought of anyone but him bringing you joy and blurs the lines of jealousy and possessive behavior.

Of course this is ridiculous and downright controlling to be told when you can and can't see your friends but he sees it as a compromise. Since you are human and an adult you will eventually go behind his back and do as you please {rightfully so}.

So when you finally catch a break and Ghiaccio has to step out for a few hours, you leave to have a nice outing with your friends. Laughing about your past experiences and hearing all the crazy things you've missed since you stopped coming around. You could be at the park, in a banquet hall, attending a private funeral, or scuba diving in the coast of Sorrento. No matter where you go, Ghiaccio will track you down with the help of the tracking device he placed in the trunk of your car and the malware that lets him see all of your texts and send him a recording of every call.

Since you've decided to go behind his back you will never see your friends again if he can help it. Stealing your phone when you aren't looking and ruining your friendships by blackmailing and outright disrespect {throwing their hardships in their face and possibly blaming them for their trauma if you've told him about it} all to have you to himself.

There's no repairing the damage he's done, especially after waking up to an overwhelming amount of hate and disgust from your closest friends, who made it crystal clear that you better not see them face to face. At that point it's best to form new bonds with different people once Ghiaccio let's you have friends again.

While Ghia doesn't always get jealous of other people, he does have his moments. If you're curious to see him get all worked up over another person giving you too much attention don't do it. Even if you want to see if it leads to him leaving you hot and bothered as a way to get back at you for teasing him like they do in the movies and tv shows. It's not worth it.

Normally Ghia tries his hardest to keep his temper in check for your sake and to keep from embarrassing you, but if you go out of your way to get a rise out of him he'll put on quite the show. The poor soul you used as a pawn will be getting beat within an inch of their lives as you try and fail to pull Ghiaccio away. There's nothing sexy about his reaction.

Having his anger directed at you is not a delightful experience, you went out of your way to humiliate him just to get a rise out of him. After letting off some steam from beating his victim Ghia drags you to his car and speeds towards home, don't say anything to him he'll just shout at you to shut the hell up.

Once you're home he's throwing whatever is in his path against the walls, calling you all types of names, berating you for thinking that was a smart thing to do. If you have a car he forces you to watch him destroy it, and he will pop the hood just to make sure the engine is damaged beyond repair. You can't be trusted anymore, your privilege of freedom is being revoked. He'll be right by your side when you need to run errands and he'll take you to and from work.

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