Meeting Your Child's Father

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Request: How would a Yandere Melone, Yandere Risotto, Yandere Prosciutto, Yandere Illuso, Yandere Formaggio and Yandere Persi react to meeting reader's baby daddy while babysitting her kid?

**Melone's hints at an afab reader because he mentions genetics, the rest can be interpreted amab or afab since genetics aren't mentioned and the child could be adopted.**

Tw: mentions of murder,


Babysitting your kid was not what he'd do on a regular basis. Formaggio can't stand to be stuck with little kids but since your kid was turning five and proved to be manageable he didn't mind. He hadn't planned on meeting the father but turns out the guy had a key for emergencies and dropped in to grab the kid.

He's always looking to start some mess when the opportunity provides itself. He'll be all smug about how well acquainted the two of you are. After some light jokes and some well hidden threats that go over the kids head, Formaggio invites him out for drinks. He wouldn't mind keeping the father around and might have found himself a drinking buddy, just as long as your ex doesn't get annoying Formaggio won't shrink him and feed him to a stray dog.


The only reason Illuso suggested replacing your babysitter that cancelled was this opportunity. He wanted to get rid of the child's father. Illuso hates your co-parenting relationship. To anyone else it looked like two adults raising a child separately and respecting each other's boundaries. All Illuso saw was the potential for a family to reunite and don't get him started on the holiday pictures and gifts, your ex is clearly trying to get back into your pants.

Illuso puts on a front and pretends to want a cordial relationship with the man since they'd see each other often. He's dramatic and loves to play with his enemies, you're going to believe the two are the best of friends. Illuso has visited the man's house quite a lot, attended his birthday celebration, and even helped the guy find a new partner. That's why nobody will suspect that Illuso lured him into the mirror world one day and revealed his true intentions. Laughing at the dying man and taunting him for believing that Illuso would actually become friends with his competition.


Glad to meet the man who made such a wonderful child! He wants to hear about his genetics and figure out what the kid got from their father, from dimples and freckles to a higher risk of developing diabetes. The dad will question who Melone is and of course, he introduces himself as your current boyfriend. Your ex is going to be concerned about your life choices and will ask you to give him a heads up if Melone is around.

Melone is not looking to argue and fight against the man and makes it clear that he doesn't plan on having a bad relationship with him since it would put the kid in a terrible position. But that won't matter anyway because Melone feels that your child's father isn't around enough and does the bare minimum for your kid. Soon you're going to be persuaded to kick him out of the picture and let Melone take care of you both.


The first time he meets your ex Pesci feels a bit intimidated, you used to love this guy and you even raised a kid with him. He's a little worried you're going to take your ex back and leave him in the dust. Being the gentleman he is, there won't be any fights or threats from his side but if your ex gets too cocky Pesci's murderous glare will shut him down.

One thing that'll make Pesci to threaten or murder your ex is the negative thoughts that cloud his mind. He can't stop thinking about the past you've had with him, now every time Pesci is away from you he assumes you're off having fun with your ex. Pesci tried to rid himself of the thoughts by getting to know your ex but that only made it worse when he realizes that your ex isn't complete garbage. Now definitely he has no choice but to get rid of him before you realize you could do better than Pesci.


Jumps on the man the moment he walks through the door, there is no reason Prosciutto should have to watch his damn kid when the man has a car and the time to take his kid. Even if he didn't, public transportation isn't expensive. Like it's ridiculous, what was he doing that was more important than picking up his kid. By the time he's done ripping the father a new one, the two of them may have to fight so your child's father can 'redeem' himself, not that he'd win.

You're not going to hear the end of it from Prosciutto either. He wants to know why you even thought it'd be okay to give that man the time of day anyway, you know he can't stand incompetent men.  This encounter leaves Prosciutto aggravated and now that your excuse of an ex is gone with your child you can make him happy by joining him for a lovely evening at some high-end restaurant.


He didn't say a word, was standing over your child watching them color, and occasionally choosing a crayon when the child asked. Risotto looked over to the man shaking in the doorway out of the corner of his eye and the man started begging him not to take his child and to take him instead. It's not until Risotto explains that he's just your boyfriend that the child's father laughs nervously and admits to thinking Risotto was something akin to the grim reaper.

Risotto can't stand your ex, he's doesn't care to meet him or play nice. As far as he's concerned your ex is standing in the way of the three of you being a family. Your ex could be a great guy and Risotto will still offhandedly mention that he wouldn't mind being the child's father. Risotto only needs the smallest reason to end the guy, but when Risotto decides to move the two of you away he'll kill him so he doesn't come looking for the kid.

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