Haunted Mansion

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C|TW: suicide, victim blaming,

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C|TW: suicide, victim blaming,

   The haunted mansion isolated at the end of the street, where the dead souls of our beloved assassins linger

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   The haunted mansion isolated at the end of the street, where the dead souls of our beloved assassins linger. The neighbors know better than to wander onto the property but every year, people come running to walk through the empty halls. You'd think after the previous disasters they'd stop returning but that must make the experience better. It's an actual haunted house after all.  

  Illuso being the shallow man he once was while alive, loves targeting those he finds beautiful. It could be from envy or a twisted form of admiration. Either way, he makes a game of killing enough of them to break his previous record. One year he was able to slaughter thirteen of them, here's to getting fourteen this time. Illuso doesn't feel guilty, his victims would be alive if they hadn't visited the haunted mansion. It's in the damn name.   

   Formaggio makes a bet with Sorbet that Illuso won't break his record. They both spend the day either aiding Illuso or trying to save the victims for the sake of winning. Neither of them actually care for the people in danger though it's just a game. There have been times where Formaggio would push the victims into Prosciutto's decaying mist, after "saving" them. It was a pleasant sight for them really, it's always fun to watch them lose their false sense of security.   

   Risotto hates visitors as much as the rest of them but he never goes out of his way to harm people. Any injury he caused was purely accidental. Once people would realize they're being watched by his red and black eyes they'd hurt themselves trying to escape. It's usually no more than twisted ankles and fractured wrists from tumbling down the staircase. The only time he'd interfere with his crew is if someone brought their child. Then he'd have to race against Illuso to save them. So far only losing eight out of the forty-three that visited.   

   Gelato is pretty sick in his method to collect dead bodies. He uses anything he can get his hands on from razor blades to ice picks. He'd attack people but never enough to kill them instantly he wants to make them suffer as he did. Much more if they happen to be visiting the mansion with their lover. It becomes a game of cat and mouse as he chases his victims through the halls. There's always a way out of his wrath though because the game would be boring if he made it too difficult.   

   Which leads Pesci to talk people into committing suicide. At first, he acted as a guide, trying to get people out of the mansion safely. His acts of kindness were usually in vain for they'd die from the sudden pitfalls Risotto had dug into the ground. Had Melone not filled them with black widows or the occasional black mamba the victims could've lived, with a broken limb of course but they'd still be alive.   

  Pesci encourages them to jump from the windows for a quick death. Telling them it's better than having their organs ruptured by Ghiaccio who'd pummel them to death. Taking their hands and whispering words of praise as they follow him to the windowsill. If they run out of time Pesci would push them himself, again it's better than what they could've got.   

   Speaking of Ghiaccio, he always says he's not going to go on a killing spree yet winds up having the highest body count. If his victims were paying attention they'd notice it gets colder when they do reckless things. As soon as they notice ice forming over metal and glass surfaces they're doomed. Ghiaccio won't be able to calm down until he beats them to a bloody pulp.   

   Prosciutto acts as a viewer. It's fun to watch the drama once friends and family turn on each other. Arguing over whether to hide or bolt for the door. Might as well be a reality show for him. His main concern is damage to the mansion, specifically his belongings. The second a visitor breaks a vase or touches one of his watches Prosciutto releases the mist. His victims aren't suffering but it's terrifying to witness your loved ones disintegrate.   

   As the dead bodies are removed from the property and the cops start questioning the neighbors. It's the same as all the other years, nobody can be blamed for the gruesome deaths, but everyone is thinking the same thing. Why are people still visiting that haunted mansion?   

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