Darling Dies Giving Birth, Will They Love the Baby

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Ask: What would they do if their darling dies from childbirth, like how would they treat the child? Would they blame the child or love them unconditionally?

Tw: afab darling, child abuse {neglect},


    Pesci will try his best to parent the child as he struggles with guilt. After finding the love of his life and finally gaining the emotional and physical intimacy he craved, he lost them. The death of his sweetheart was due to his own selfish desires for more. Having you by his side should've been enough for Pesci, but he pushed his luck trying to grow a family.

    Every time Pesci locks eyes with the fussy newborn his heart breaks further. Because of him they'll never get to meet you. How is he supposed to fill that hole when it comes time to have the discussion? Will they hate him as much as he's hating himself right now?

    While he grieves, Pesci finds a way to care for his baby. Unlike some of the others, he doesn't mind asking for his team's help. All he asks is that they give him a hand when he's struggling to deal with the baby stuff. When Pesci reaches a low point he drops the baby off at Melone's house.

    It's a hard process, but the last thing Pesci does is unleash his emotions upon the kid. Your death will not be in vain. He will raise the kid to the best of his abilities and make sure they're able to live the life you wanted to grant them. There are no adoptions or neglecting the child. They're going to be his care and he'll be there to guide them through their life.


    That was a shocking turn of events, to say the least. The doctor swore you'd be fine, that you'd see this through. Why the hell did you die? For once he's at a loss for words. For a moment he stands next to your lifeless body running his hands over his head. It's frustrating, how did this even happen.

    Blaming himself or the baby isn't an option. It was clearly the doctor's fault. After having the baby approved to leave the hospital, Formaggio straps the baby into a car seat before he slinks off into your doctor's office. He thanks the doctor for delivering his little miracle and plays grateful. Later on their colleges will come across their disfigured body.

    During your pregnancy Formaggio made an effort to learn more about babies and what to expect. He didn't want to put the full responsibility on you. Now it's as if he was preparing to be a single father. As he changes the diapers and makes some milk, Formaggio prays he won't fuck up the infants life. Nonetheless, he fights through his hidden pain and throws himself into parenting.

    The child won't feel any bitterness or regret from Formaggio. But he calls them his little monster. The team advises him not to but he insists that it isn't because of your death. It's a clumsy process but the child is loved and cared for.


    Horrible person all around. The child is better off being put up for adoption. If you're not going to be around neither is he. You were the most important person to him. Illuso put you before everyone, even the kid. Now neither of them can have you because of this selfish kid. If they hadn't taken up your nutrients and drained you so recklessly maybe you would've survived.

    There is no doubt that the others worry for your child. Melone always volunteers to take the baby off his hands for a couple days at a time. When they go to visit the child will be sitting in their crib crying their eyes out as Illuso pretends to not hear them."It's not abuse until they cry for five minutes" is his motto. Taking care of the baby isn't his top priority. Being around the little killer is too much for him. Illuso can't separate them from your death.

    Eventually he feels guilty for his lack of attention to the baby and will instead hire a nanny. That way he can avoid them while not being a completely horrible father. The only reason Illuso keeps them around is to have something to show for the relationship he's built with you.

    As they get older he isn't as disturbed by their presence but the damage is done. They'd go through their childhood feeling like a burden to their father; they know it's true because Illuso has said it himself. But once they get around to middle school (Secondary Education), he'll debate on sending them to boarding school. That way they aren't forced to deal with Illuso's cruel behavior and he can properly heal from your death that he can't seem to move on from.


    The doctor and any nurse that happened to come into the room for extra support makes the hit list. There was is no reason you shouldn't be dead, had the incompetent doctor did their job you'd be alive. Ghiaccio waits before he goes through with killing him, his focus is on the baby. The last thing he wants is to be reckless, and be forced to give up his child as he serves a prison sentence.

    As much as he wants to mourn and properly grieve your death, Ghiaccio sets it aside for the baby. He doesn't mean to dislike his child but he'll find himself wishing you came home instead. He doesn't see himself fit to raise a child by himself. Every time he's struggling to figure out why the kid is crying Ghiaccio goes into a fit of rage. He shouldn't be doing this alone, how can he possibly raise your child without you.

    Ever since the incident Ghiaccio would unknowingly shut out the team. He's not answering any calls, he isn't giving them an update, and they have no clue what he's going through. It isn't until Pesci and Melone stop by to congratulate you that they found out. He'll accept the help but he refuses to talk about his feelings.

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