Homebody Darling That Loves The Internet

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    Request: what about all of La squadra with a darling that actually loves staying home? theyre a total homebody and don't have many friends to begin with so they don't like going outside much but they're addicted to the internet lol

Tw: references to sex,


    Not on his watch, you can lounge around and be merry with his great internet and it's high speed only if you do some basic stretches or workouts at least twice a week. Ghiaccio is more to fine letting his darling be as sheltered as they like but he also wants them to move around some. You're going to walk around the park together even if Ghiaccio has to drag you the whole time. Other than that, Ghia buys you games and books so you're not forced to sleep all day.


    One hand he's glad you love his beautiful home on the other he's annoyed that you spend most of your time on your phone. When he gave you his internet password he didn't think you'd glue yourself to your phone. To get what he deserves, Illuso will change his password to have you running back to him. What are you willing to do for some internet connection? Illuso genuinely wants to know, he could leave you to sit around bored out of your mind but he won't if you're willing to do him a few favors.


    While he isn't a homebody he does spend a lot of time on his phone and laptop. Melone won't bother you too much for being cooped up in his house all day since he respects your differences. All he asks is that the two of you put down the electronics and have a nice outing every week. Also because he buys you great outfits Melone wants you to wear them outside instead of just sitting around in them. You'll know Melone's craving some attention because he disconnects the internet and pretends he forgot to pay the bill.

    "Guess we'll have to entertain ourselves some other way~"


    Probably forces you out the house on those rainy days since you're inside all day. When you told Risotto you preferred to stay inside instead, at first he was happy until he realized you were spending time on your phone, again. Risotto doesn't care too much for the internet and he only bought it to please you, kind of regrets it. He won't be as petty as Illuso but he does unplug the box three times a week to get you to focus on him.


    Such a grandpa, nagging that you're wasting the day doing nothing and that you should take some time to focus on the real world, boo he sucks! He better not catch you slacking on your chores because he will break the WiFi box to motivate you. Prosciutto is another one to pull you from your crumb littered bed and take you outside. He likes to get things done when the suns out and you're going with him. During your outing Prosciutto will try to make it interesting to entice you to join him willingly.


    Usually he's the laid back one that'll let things slide but you're not staying inside all day with this one. He doesn't even stay in the house unless he's in a mood to take three naps in a day. Formaggio has you on his hip as he's going around to find something to do. Most days he ends up walking aimlessly and settling at a bar or restaurant, now you will too. There's also days Formaggio wants to take you to his favorite places or surprise you with a fun day. He's a reasonable guy though so Formaggio might pay for some internet and let you spend the day inside when he's feeling nice.


    As long as you're content and in a happy mood that's none of his concern, you can access the internet. Pesci already brings you outside and does little things with you so spending your time scrolling through blogs doesn't bother him. Pesci likes to watch cooking videos together since they're so peaceful and gives him new ideas. Rather than withholding the internet to get your attention Pesci brings you snacks. You'll come to love him for it eventually.


    Don't disrespect him by paying attention to your phone more than him. Gelato loves talking to you and telling you his crazy stories, if you glance at that phone while he's talking he'll throw it against the wall. You're going to have to earn it and you can only be on the internet when he isn't trying to be up under you. The homebody lifestyle isn't going to work, Gelato doesn't like staying in all day even if there are fun things to do at home. Gelato is having his baby with him all day, especially if Sorbet doesn't come along.


    When he isn't doing strange things for change Sorbet loves to be at home lounging with his honeys. You're welcome to sit around as long as you're layed up on Sorbet, you can be in his lap, laid on his chest, or seated between his legs. He'll be rubbing your thighs, back, anything he can get his hands on as you giggle at your nonsense and will try to understand your favorite videos & memes. The only time he'll cut the internet is if he's mad at you and you're being punished, or if he's planning on spending his afternoon with his darling underneath him.

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