You Poison Him Pt. 2

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Request: Ok after reading this I wanna know what they'd do if they got poisoned... (My guess is of it was fatal they'd kill their darling to be with them in the afterlife)

Tw: death of characters


He's easier to poison, Melone is very lenient when it comes to his darling. There are barely any rules and you could even live on your own if you wanted. Point is, you can get your hands on poison and hide it from Melone pretty easily. Since you're the air that he breathes and Melone lives to please you he trusts you way too much. He'll eat or drink anything you give him if you present it as a gift or just say you thought of him.

When the poison kicks in and has Melone writhing in pain on the floor he'll call for your help. He notices you stand over him silently watching as he suffers. Melone forces himself to his knees fighting against the cramps so he can latch onto your hips and bury his face in your stomach. He begs you to tell him why you wanted to kill him and to know what he could've done to please you.

Even though you've made your dislike for him clear Melone's last request is to hold him until he dies. He doesn't attempt to take you with him, just hold him until he goes so he won't spend his last minutes scared of what's to come. He's terrified of dying, having you near him will make it less scary.


Very particular about the food that goes in his body, not because he's on a strict diet but because he's a picky eater; Poisoning his food is tricky but dropping oxalic acid into his drinks isn't too hard. He drinks anything ranging from harshly bitter to sickeningly sweet. Pick up his black tea, add the dissolving acid, and drink your water in peace.

You should know by now that Illuso can't stand the thought of you giving your love or attention to anyone that isn't him; Illuso won't be giving you the opportunity to find a replacement. You are going to die together, especially since it'll be another way to show you that he was alway on control. Illuso can't live without you and he will not allow you to live without him.

When he's clutching his stomach in pain from the poison he stumbles into his decorative mirror causing it to shatter to pieces. While Illuso stands to steady himself he takes the largest piece of glass and uses it to kill you. He'll force the glass into your stomach, chuckling at the look on your face. Even as he's on the brink of death you couldn't protect yourself from him.


You betrayed him, he's been nothing but kind to you and gave you anything your heart desired to please you. After all these years and you never changed, only played along to win his trust. Pesci loves you more than he does himself or his friends but what does it matter when you're the reason he's dying.

He doesn't want to kill you but he also doesn't want his last memory to be the view of your back as you walked away from him. Desperate to see your face as he passes Pesci shouts for you to come back, crying when you continue to leave. As a last resort Pesci used Beach Boy to drag you to his side. He just wants to see you one last time.

Pesci holds you tightly against his chest too scared you'll leave him again. He cries softly, revealing his hope for your future and how he wanted to marry you with his friends witnessing the ceremony. He fails to notice your heavy breathing and slight jolts. Beach Boy latched onto your heart and punctured the vital organ when he yanked the fishing pole. It was a genuine accident but it worked in his favor.


Risotto's hurt yet he doesn't come at you enraged. It was a fitting death for the cruel life he led and since it was inflicted by you it's not the worst way to go. Risotto wants you to know that he never had the intention to hurt you and only wanted to keep you safe. As he's about to slip into his death he says that the world is too dangerous for you and that you'll be with him shortly.

You were never able to escape the house while he was alive, you're trapped. You still won't find anything strong enough to break through the sturdy glass of the windows; The potential weapons including the hammers, screwdrivers, etc are locked away meaning you wouldn't be able to dismantle hinges and locks.

You're going to be stuck inside of the house with his dead body having no choice but to wait for your death. Don't bother screaming for help, Risotto brought you to the countryside to avoid wandering strangers and nosy neighbors. Think of it as a punishment for beating Risotto.

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