They Give You Amnesia

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Request: Took a LOT of thinking but I finally have a request. How would they react to their darling losing their memory? Maybe they hit them too hard one day and gave them amnesia. Would they take advantage of this? Would they try to make them remember? Thanks!☺️

Tw: physical & emotional abuse, mentions of non-con


     When he slammed your head into the cupboards it wasn't supposed to be a serious injury or something that'd make a lasting impression on your body. Yet, the anger he felt didn't allow him to stop before he went too far. So here he is taking care of your clueless self, reshaping the story of how you lost your memory. There is a bit of truth thrown into it to make it easier for him to gaslight you when your memory returns should you confront him about twisting your memories.

     "Your family didn't come to the hospital because they don't approve our relationship but don't worry about them you have me" is what he'd say instead of reminding you that most have been falsely imprisoned or murdered. It's not like the truth will be of any use, it'll only upset you when you remember how toxic he is. Unless you regain the memory through snooping, Formaggio will use this time as a fresh start and doesn't care to refresh your memory.


     This wasn't supposed to happen, it was never supposed to happen. Ghiaccio never had the intentions of being violent towards you in the first place! He's done well at checking his aggression and walking away from you before he was fuming, this time it was almost as if you were provoking him and had to be sure to push his buttons. You must've thought he'd rough you up enough to go get help at the hospital and got more than what you bargained for.

     Either way the guilt he has is unbearable. Ghiaccio is ashamed of the damage he's caused and is not sure if he wants to help you regain your memories at first. Not only did he give you another reason to hate him, he also broke his promise of never being unnecessarily violent towards you. The only reason he decides to bring the memories back is to be on the safe side, but he definitely waits to bring it up.


     You wouldn't have sustained amnesia had you stopped pressing his buttons over the same issues he told you to forget, how many times does he have to tell you to quit asking about your family or when you can leave. Illuso is almost surprised he didn't do this to you sooner since you love to to dance on his nerves. Your recovery is the last of his priorities right now because you brought it on yourself so why should he have to do the work to repair the damage?

     The only reason he gives you little bits of information is to keep you from making the same mistakes that bothered him in the past. You might hear about the more romantic and silly things you've done together but also find that you were emotionally abusive. Apparently you've threatened to leave him for asking for quality time and always make him feel worthless for needing physical intimacy. That's right, he puts all his past abusive tendencies on you and makes you out to be the one with the questionable tendencies.


     The incident shook his core and he hasn't been okay since, Melone feels horrible for doing this and is terrified of the thought of you not remembering who he is. You're already frustrated with your inability to retain memories or recall the past so Melone wouldn't feel comfortable lying to you right now. He isn't ashamed of the things he did to get you or what he does to keep you by his side, Melone is almost proud to tell you in vivid details how you got here.

     Once your head wound is healed and is no longer a danger, Melone is happy to take you outside to reenact your old dates to give you a better idea of how things were. Seeing you get upset as you try to piece together your memories makes him want to die in a hole. Melone is going to keep changing the conversation when you ask him how you got amnesia in the first place, he doesn't want to lie but he will stall.


     The doctor said that regaining your memories will be beneficial for you. Pesci thinks it's best you forget about his moment of aggression. He's done his hardest to please you yet it wasn't enough to rid you of your hurtful words and actions. Forcing you to have amnesia is a small price for a fresh start. This time around will be different though because the process of giving you a new personality will bring the two of you closer.This man is delusional so he won't care that he's going too far.

     The way look at him so lovingly since you believe he's your faithful husband that stayed by your side to help you is refreshing for Pesci, completely erasing the shred of guilt he may have. What makes it worse or chilling is the lengths Pesci will go to keep you this way. You'll tell him about the memories you've been getting but he gaslights and manipulates you until you feel that you're not remembering correctly or it was just a dream.


     He can admit that he went too far this time during your last punishment and can accept that he has room to improve his temper so he doesn't do this again. Prosciutto is not going to continue his previous efforts to teach you a lesson and he isn't going to try and change your personality or stance. Not only do you deserve to know how things once were but he still loved you the way you were, attitude included.

     He tells the entire truth when you ask him for details of your relationship and why you always stayed in the house most days of the week. Hearing that you're in a hostage situation and none of your previous attempts to leave were successful may cause you to panic or fight again but Prosciutto isn't going to be harsh. This time he coaxes you to stay calm and tries to remain gentle and patient since he brought this on himself by losing his temper.


     Risotto would never accidentally hit you hard enough to cause amnesia or any other lasting damage. He would do it on purpose and stand behind his decision without an ounce of guilt or regret. You've always been warned to stay on his good side and trust him. Risotto wasn't lying when he said he'd always be patient with you and sensitive to your situation. You were warned to never raise your hand to him and to watch your mouth, for your safety.

     Now you're sitting on the couch wondering who he is and how you came to be because you smashed a bottle of liquor against his head while he was turned around. Risotto is willing to help you recover and isn't against telling you the more gruesome parts of your relationship. If you remember what happened and see that you still weren't able to escape successfully it could put an end to your reckless behavior.

Sorbet & Gelato:

     What use do you have for those memories, you'll probably experience amnesia again anyways at the rate you're going. They hadn't intentionally caused the amnesia and there was a bit of guilt hanging in the air as they waited on you in the hospital, yet it wasn't enough for them to help you remember the past. Gelato isn't as annoyed or bothered by your questions and has patience for your curious mind even when he's left alone with you.

     You come across the pictures of the three of you on vacation and Sorbet makes sure to tell you about the fun the three of you had, purposely forgetting the time Gelato held your head under the water and forced you to please Sorbet. You'll feel frustrated at how they brush off your concerns and tell you not to worry too much, as if your memory loss isn't a big deal. You'll be lucky to have your memories return naturally.

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