Is Negotiating An Option?

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Request: What would they do if their darling tried to politely negotiate/reason with them? I'm especially hoping for some Risotto or Prosciutto headcanons about this.

Tw: mention of dub-con, abuse,


    You're wasting your time, Prosciutto already has an agenda for the two of you and rules in place to keep the order. He's not going to hear you out and put it into your head that it's okay to question his methods or authority. It's also worth noting that constantly voicing your displeasure for his methods only causes Prosciutto to consider abducting you.

    The only way you can possibly ask for a change or be heard is obeying Prosciutto's wishes and being good for him. When you've adjusted to his way of love and stay off his bad side, every once in a while Prosciutto will hold you in his lap and ask what you'd like as a reward. Then, and only then, can you suggest a change without the fuss.


    Only because he treasures his darling, Risotto will try to find a solution to certain problems. You miss your family and want to go home? He'll provide you with envelopes to write letters to them and check the content before sending it out. You miss being able to walk around freely and visit shops? Risotto agrees to let you out on rainy days or the occasional lonely nights, with him nearby or invisible of course.

    Just don't piss him off or try to run away after he grants you these little pleasures, Risotto will snatch them away. Any letter you get from your family is withheld or burned in front of you when he's feeling cruel, hopefully you'll be able to ask your family to send another if Risotto ever lets you write them again.


    Happy to offer you some freedoms you assume he cares about in favor of having his way with you. When Formaggio abducts you or stalks you he lets your imagination run wild and let's you believe his goal is to lock you away although he doesn't care to do such a thing. But you don't need to know that you're set on doing whatever he wants to have a somewhat normal life.

    Taking advantage of your eagerness to surrender yourself to him, Formaggio shows up to bother you at the most inappropriate moments, threatening to maim your dad. You asked for your family to be off limits in return for your compliance but if you insist on being difficult Formaggio counts it as a dealbreaker. He didn't even care about offing your family or isolating you yet he insist on pretending just to fuck with you.


    Even though Illuso can come off as an ass that's only worried about what's in it for him, he's quite considerate of his darlings needs. The only reason he can be cruel or inhumane is to punish you but other than that Illuso is a romantic. All you have to do is promise to dote on him and indulge in his fantasies and you can have enough.

    Just don't try to go back on your agreement, Illuso expects you to give into him without a fight or fuss no matter what he's asking for. When he wants to go on a date don't complain, when he pulls you in to cuddle don't tense up and make it forced, when he's hinting towards sex don't brush of his advances. Illuso does break the agreement out of greed eventually but fully expects you to hold your end if you want to have a social life.

Sorbet & Gelato:

    A negotiation works out best for them because they aren't the babysitting type and would rather not have to watch over you too much. Trapping you in Sorbet's basement means they'd have to remember to feed you, bring you new clothes, and throw people off your trail. It's too many responsibilities when they like to be carefree. There's also the fact that they'll accidentally forget about you if they're having a spur of the moment adventure.

    Sorbet agrees to stop drugging you in exchange for coming along on a mission every once in a while to display his ruthless side. You won't be drugged but he can instill fear to keep you in place. Sorbet also refrains from using restraints switching to deadlocks when you're being isolated. You're trapped but in a less restrictive way. Gelato will stop terrorizing your coworkers, friends, and family as long as you are affectionate to them in public and in private.

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