Old Friends Pt.2

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Note: The team calls you Budino because Melone did during your first day on the team and it stuck

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Note: The team calls you Budino because Melone did during your first day on the team and it stuck. So you'll see Budino and other variations of that word/dessert when other characters are referring to you, the reader. Don't forget!

Tw: mentions of non-con, sexual harassment,

"You haven't listened to a word I said and I know you haven't because I just told you that your favorite was shot during the mission" Gelato's voice was low as he shuffled through the deck of cards searching for the ones Formaggio marked earlier. You weren't in the mood to sit around at the base, the only reason you continued to show up was to keep them from getting suspicious.

"I never said Illuso was my favorite and I'm sure he's fine, Prosciutto can take care of him" Your attention was drawn to the small pieces of thread sticking out of the green sofa, twirling at the strings to pass the time. Sooner or later you'd have to see him again, alone.

Not much time has passed since the incident, not that you've kept track, every day afterward was pretty much the same. Sleeping throughout the day until Risotto reached out to you and sitting in the same spot on the forest green couch listening to everyone talk about nothing.

He had the nerve to try and make small talk, asking if you've slept well and if there was anything you had planned for the week. Almost as if that day meant nothing, as if it wasn't a big deal that was worth losing yourself over, it was all just another day for him. The worst of it all was hearing the others give him praise and thanks over some cupcakes anyone could've made if they had three dollars.

When did everyone start fawning over Pesci and why is he still acting like such a diffident, helpless sweetheart? A month ago you were defending him when he wasn't around to defend himself, especially during your time with Illuso who couldn't stop bringing up Pesci if his life depended on it. They didn't like him, they didn't see him as a true member of La Squadra, and they thought he had a long way to go. So why the sudden change?

"...speaking to a wall it's irking my nerves, at least if we go dine out the silence will be somewhat bearable with other people speaking" you didn't even need to look at gelato to see him roll his eyes, his voice said everything. Out of everyone in La Squadra you never expected to find a friend in Gelato.

Once you get over his intimidating visage and the feeling that he's plotting to kill you for sport, Gelato is someone you could call a friend. When you're unable to tell the others to leave you alone or that you didn't want to spend time with them, Gelato would do it for you. The two of you have been hanging out often, nowadays you stay glued to Gelato to keep Pesci away.

"Sorry I already have plans to see Pesci I should probably get going before he thinks I bailed on him" Unfortunately Gelato could only protect you for so long. Pesci made it clear that he expected you to give him attention and visit his home as you used to whether you enjoyed it or not. Had he not recorded the incident, you would've avoided him like the plague and hid behind Gelato until he stopped harassing you.

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