Their Child Is Scared Of Them

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Request: Their child is scared of them? Nonpoly pleas

Tw: child endangerment, child abuse, domestic abuse,

Cioccolata & Secco:

     Cioccolata wants his child to be as ruthless as him because he expects them to take after him, or at least work alongside him and Secco. One of the main reasons he thought to bring a child into the family is because they could potentially be of use to him, other than that he has no interest in being a father. Your child shuts down around Cioccolata and will visibly shake as he's told to come along on a 'special trip" with him and Papa Sec, knowing they're going to be forced to take notes as they witness their dad torture someone.

     They're well aware that the child is afraid of them and probably wishes they had different fathers but it doesn't bother them at all, pretty soon the child will become numb to it all. Instead of trying to soothe the child's worry, they reward them for how long they can go before getting nauseous at the gruesome sights, take them to a theme park after going a week without crying as they learned how to record the torture sessions properly. Basically raising a serial killer at this point.


     They probably heard him talking down to you or noticed that you aren't as happy when dad is around, either way, Formaggio is almost hurt when his child starts to distance themselves. They aren't as talkative, the hugs seem forced, and they aren't as quick to be up under him when he stays home. Formaggio loves his child too much to let it continue so he'd talk with them one night as he's tucking them in, asking why they changed. Hearing that they're afraid Formaggio promises that he'd never do anything to hurt them or you, since kids are easily swayed he'd spoil them rotten to win them over.


     He is not above putting his hands on a child to discipline them and doesn't really care how you feel about it because he isn't going to raise an ill-mannered, spoiled brat. Even though you've told him time and time again that he shouldn't be putting his hands on your child, or you, Prosciutto continues to do so. Your child always goes to you when they're excited or want to tell you about their day but unless Prosciutto calls for them or is in a great mood they don't speak to him. Prosciutto doesn't understand why they'd be scared of him but if it motivates them to stay out of trouble and make better decisions he doesn't care.


     He's neglectful, competitive, abusive, and a narcissist but he doesn't understand why the kid distances themselves from him. There have been times where Illuso threatened to send the child to an orphanage for being too clingy, limited the child's speaking privileges for interrupting his alone time with you too many times, put bruises on them from dragging them to their room when they hurt his feelings, and more. Yet he's confused when your child admits that they are scared of him. Rather than feeling guilty or wanting to do better Illuso tells them to stop being ridiculous and that he'd have killed them already if he actually wanted to. Of course, you get on Illuso for saying that but it only makes things worse because he'll go back to threatening to get rid of your child for causing a problem.


     How did they find the time to be afraid of him after all that he's done for them? Melone suffocates his child with love and attention, asking about their day, surprising them with new play sets and clothes, dressing up as their favorite cartoon characters, etc. Why would they be so afraid of him? Maybe it's because they notice your discomfort and assume their dad is going to hurt the both of you. Since he cares about his child's well being Melone will do his best to convince them that it's all a misunderstanding and that there's no reason for them to fear their father. He'll do whatever it takes to get them to stop calling him scary.


     Pesci hasn't never raised his voice, got mad when they made mistakes, or even thought to raise his hand to them so he's trying to understand what made them scared in the first place. He almost thinks you were planting seeds in the child's mind again to get them to hate him. Instead of asking them about it, Pesci tries to give them some space so he doesn't make it worse. He'll excuse himself from the room when he sees that they're uncomfortable around him but that doesn't keep him from doting on them from a distance. Hopefully, they'll see that there is nothing to be afraid of and can go back to asking him to build their pillow forts.


     Not surprised but still upset to know that they are afraid of him. Even though it's not as frequent at home, Ghiaccio still finds himself shouting in frustration when dumb things are said. He's never screamed in the kid's face for not using the right grammar, they're a kid and they're still learning, but they have witnessed his fits plenty of times. When Ghiaccio gets to punching holes in the wall or throwing things until he calms down it scares them even when he says he'll never hit them. Ghiaccio doesn't blame them though, he always promises to stop doing that but himself up again sooner or later. To share he cares he'll go to therapy before he ruins the bond any further.


     They're scared of him alright but not because of his unique features and choice of clothing, He is an intimidating father, and even though he hasn't hit them before it always feels like it's implied that he would from the way he speaks with finality. During the times your child is being rude or hard-headed Risotto has pulled them to their room but nothing more than the manhandling. He figured his child might fear him one day so to combat the discomfort and fear Risotto shows his child a more goofy side of himself, showing that he isn't some emotionless giant. He'll play along with the imaginative games that seem to never end, join them while they play at the park, and might even attempt to dance just to see his child smile at him again.

Sorbet & Gelato:

     Sorbet is not looking to be a father and was not too excited to bring a kid into the family but that doesn't mean he spends his time terrorizing them. Most of the time he is nonchalant, not really reacting to the child unless they're showing him something "cool". Gelato is more active in parenting and is more likely to be chaperoning school trips and planning things for them but can be a bit passive-aggressive when the child is being difficult. Neither one of them thought they'd come off as threatening or scary in their child's eyes since they hid their more abusive traits well.

     Sorbet jokingly says "boo!" when they see him because he finds the situation funny considering they don't know half of what he's done, meanwhile Gelato is a bit upset because he does a lot for them and never did anything bad around them. They are going to try to have a heart-to-heart about why they feel this way so they can figure out if the child caught them doing their shady business or heard a recent punishment they gave you. Until then, they'll just be more cautious of what they do around them.

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