Darling Turns On Melone

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Request: What would happen if darling snaps and starts to abuse Melone? Darling gets fed up and decides they will be in control from now on and begins beating him and berating him telling how much of a terrible person he is for even thinking to abduct them. Does he get help or does he take back the control?

Tw: abuse, or self defense since he abducted you? Reverse abduction?

     He knows his methods are unorthodox and it's expected that you'll be against them but Melone didn't think you'd have the courage to beat him in his own home. It was your third day and he was ready for some more sensual situations but when he tried to kiss your neck it was as if you were another person. No longer the docile mouse that remained silent and tried to stay on his good side, you overpowered Melone and began beating him. He curled into a ball and shielded his face from your clawing.

     When you finish unleashing your anger, Melone expects you to leave his home and call the cops. You rummaged through his belongings and searched until you found the security codes and keys to any locks he had in place. Too battered to focus on your actions he falls into a light sleep expecting you to be out when he awakes. Imagine his surprise when he walks past your room and sees you sitting pretty, eating some takeout you most definitely bought off his card and letting him know you have packages on the way.

     For a moment he thought it meant you forgave him and that it was a warning that any sexual advances were off the table. He could understand why you made purchases off his card and removed the security system that kept you in the house. He didn't understand why you remained angry and seemed to have very little patience whenever he asked you to do something for him. Melone asked you to cuddle with him since you haven't given him any form of intimacy and all hell broke loose.

     Melone doesn't like what this is becoming, you do as you please and use his resources to enjoy yourself but never give him anything in return. He confronts you again only to receive a busted lip and bruised eye. You admit that you have no intentions of bonding with a piece of scum that sexually harasses people and attempts to lock you in his home. That's understandable again, but he isn't happy to have you around anymore and tries to get you to leave him alone for a while.

     You don't leave and you even chastised him for trying to force you to go when he was the one that brought you into his home, without your consent. Melone is still in love with you and wants to be your husband but this is too much for him to deal with right now. Had you stopped at the name-calling and the shopping he could have taken it but getting his ass kicked for breathing too close to you or trying to hug on you is too much.

     After going the verbal route and still not getting a compromise of any sort he uses goes into his room for a while to create instructions for Baby face that won't end with you dying. He couldn't manipulate you himself but Baby can have it's fun rearranging your molecules into a purple chaise lounge. You'll bring him comfort as he relaxes his muscles on the soft cushions you have and spend the next few days repairing his mental health.

     He doesn't plan on keeping you this way forever, you'll be reverted back into your normal body once he's had a chance to upgrade his security and find a better way to control you. You taught him the consequences of being too lenient and he doesn't want to be a helpless punching bag again.

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