Shopping Spree [One-Shot]

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Summary: Ghiaccio takes you out of the house to get some new clothes but it isn't fun anymore once he starts speaking about the past

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Summary: Ghiaccio takes you out of the house to get some new clothes but it isn't fun anymore once he starts speaking about the past.

    "Can we go now, I really don't want to be here" listening to him recall the memories of the first nights in his house stirred up a lot of emotions. The fact that he doesn't seem to understand how much pain he caused you makes you want to rip your hair out. This wasn't supposed to happen, you were supposed to be free by now, yet you only lost your fighting spirit and became his certified pet.

    "Amore don't start, you've been good all day" he sent you a sharp look, although it's been a minute since you last misbehaved Ghiaccio wouldn't hesitate to correct you. Though it'd be a shame to do so considering how domestic the both of you now were, you've been so loving over the past three months. If Ghia has to start punishing you again your rebellious spirit will surely return.

    "Ghiaccio take me home, I'm not in the mood, just please take me home" tears built up in your eyes as you looked around trying to find something to distract yourself with to keep you from breaking down in public. You noticed a brightly colored jacket with a strange dark green ripple pattern going across the sleeves. It was hideous, but maybe if someone paired it with a dark pair of jeans it'd pass as trendy.

    "We'll leave once you try on these shirts, I want to be sure that you can fit them"

    You remained still and kept your eyes trained on the ridiculous jacket. You heard him clearly when he spoke, you knew what he wanted, but your chest was filled with a gnawing ache. The feeling annoyed you, it was as if something was trying to claw its way out of your chest. The more it grew the more you felt like crying. Why were you still in this store?

    Ghiaccio let out a huff before guiding you towards the dressing rooms of the boutique. For some reason, the employees had no qualms with the both of you entering the space together. The woman that greeted you earlier even offered Ghiaccio a larger space before returning to the unattended pile of loose clothing. Pushing you in gently, Ghiaccio locked the door behind him.

    "Why are you upset?" He pressed his back against the door and watched you stare at the ground and sniffle. There wasn't a response, you continued to observe the marble tile, following the twist and turns of the deep blue line that ran along the floor.

    Rather than pressing you for details, Ghia sat the clothes you picked out on the small bench behind you so he could hold you close. You were having one of those days. It didn't take long for you to let out your cries of anguish. He placed small kisses along your shoulder and rubbed circles on your back.

    "Alright, you can stop your crying, we'll leave after you're finished" he wiped away your tears before holding your face in his hands, "I'm proud of how far we've come, sei la miglior cosa che mi sia capitata, I won't bring it up again if it hurts you"

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