Date Night?

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Request: Hi love your writing so much! I was wondering, would all our yandere boys take their darling on a date outside home? Or would they refrain from that because of distrust? Would they even consider any date?😭

Tw: suicide, domestic abuse,

Cioccolata & Secco:

     Cioccolata doesn't really do dates because he doesn't see the difference between a date and hanging out. It's the same thing but one is supposed to be more romantic. The closest thing to a date is the usual causal dining the three of you do on an almost daily basis. He's not afraid to take you out in public, you're afraid of being in public because Cioccolata pays more attention to your behavior and is praying for you to slip up.

     Secco is often ordered to take you out for a while so you won't get in the way of Cioccolata's work with your moping or complaining about having nothing to do. It's supposed to be nothing more than a distraction but sometimes Secco likes to give you a good time and go to someplace that has sugary snacks and fun entertainment like the pier or amusement park. If you'd rather go walk around the park he won't mind but he'd rush you the entire time when he gets bored.

Diavolo & Doppio:

     Normally Doppio would consider any trip outside to be a date, whether it be to the grocery store or coffee shop, since the two of you are spending time together. It's not until the boss wires him some extra money as thanks that he actually plans something 'special' for the two of you like staying at a fancy resort for the upcoming weekend. The only time Doppio is unsure of taking you outside is when you've recently had an argument or was put in your place.

     Diavolo only remains indoors when he is in control of the shared body. The most romantic thing he'd do other than having some sensual sex to past the time is cuddling. He'd hold you from behind and try to talk to you about your time with Doppio, asking if you were content with the way things are. If you aren't being distant than he'd let you order something to eat or watch you spend his money on various online stores, reminding you to ship it to your P.O. Box.


    He isn't staying in the house unless he's more tired than usual or too sick to walk it off. He never comes home at the same time and he doesn't try to either unless he has a surprise for you. Formaggio would love to take you out and show you a good time but you're not coming if you're going to be pain. He's not going to babysit you when he could ditch you and have all the fun he wants.

    That being said, you won't be taking outside for a date when you seem to be agitated or upset with Formaggio even when it's justified. You could either sulk at home all by yourself or get over it and spend the day with your hubby. The only exception for this is when Formaggio feels like he might have went to far or said some harsh things for no reason. Then he'd drag you out the house to cheer you up so he doesn't feel guilty.


    Dates aren't really a luxury to Prosciutto since he believes they are pretty important in a relationship. How can the two of you grow closer if he never puts any time aside to have an intimate time together? It'll also make it seem as if he only forced you to marry him for superficial reasons when that's not the case at all. He'd gladly dedicate a few hours or days spoiling you with attention or a new experience if time allows it.

    Even if you were recently punished for mouthing off to him or even planning on running away to your family, Prosciutto will force you to spend time with him. The only difference is that you'd both sitting in your living room having dinner in front of the fireplace instead of being in a luxury suite and having a gourmet dinner.

Risotto Nero:

    He doesn't mind finding a way to take you on a date without being around a lot of people the only problem is that Risotto loves sleeping. When he is granted a few days away from work and can spend time with you Risotto wants to stay inside the house with his blankets and cozy surfaces. It's not really fair to you because you already spend most of your days stuck inside.

    To make up for the first two days of forcing you to watch him sleep most hours the day Risotto would take you somewhere different rather than letting you walk around the woods and calling it a day. You could choose something like a day at the beach or something more busy like a festival or theme park. Just don't expect this often because he's paranoid about having you around too many people.


    You've let him down so many times in the past with the way you acted during your previous dates. He is stingy with your attention when it comes to anyone that isn't a child. He doesn't want you to be speaking to any strangers, especially not the flirty waiters, or staring at other people. So why would he purposely put himself in a situation that'll piss him off and ruin everyone's day?

    If you want to go on a date outside then Ghiaccio is going to have to find something that gives you both privacy or is secluded from other people. So be prepared to do a lot of hiking dates or things that revolve around walking through valleys and such. Ghia would think about taking you to the Dolomite mountains to ski but he isn't sure if it's worth the risk of being around tourists.


    Where do you want to go? Down to the shopping district to get some new clothes, the upcoming football game with luxury seats, do you want to take a trip outside of Italy? Just tell him where you want to go. Trust me when I say that Pesci is financially stable outside of La Squadra and he can afford to spend a ton of money on your dates. He'd gladly take you anywhere you'd ask him even if you haven't been very friendly.

    The only time he would refuse to take you outside for a special date or just to have a nice time is if you did something extreme like stabbing him in the arm for trying to feed you. Other than that as long as you're not sick Pesci would not mind taking you to nice places to make you feel a bit better about your crummy situation. Who knows, you might even learn to love after seeing what he could do for you.

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