Melone, Ghiaccio, Prosciutto With A Fearful Darling

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    All his life he's never been considered frightening before. Always the pervert, peeping tom, and sick bastard, but never scary. People never really hesitated to hurt him which made him assume that he wasn't scary or intimidating. Often times, Melone finds himself being beaten or chased of by those he decided to casually grope.

    The excitement from expressing his true feeling was probably overwhelming but it isn't meant to scare you. To ease your worries he dials down on the overly affectionate touches and gazes but still rewards himself with a tense cuddle session.

     Melone would prefer for you to be more relaxed around him so he will try to ease your fear. He is a firm believer in exposure therapy, how can you be afraid of him when he has yet to harm you during his visits. Continues to see you whenever he craves your attention but dials down on the flirting until your less tense around him. Every moment he spends with you gives him hope that someday the two of you will be closer.


     Annoyed with himself more than he is with you. Ghiaccio knows that he can be intimidating and sometimes terrifying and he's come to terms with people being afraid of him way before he brought you into his life. Yet, a piece of him dies inside watching you flinch away from him when he comes close.

     Why would you of all people fear him. Not once did he ever raise his hand to you, or made an attempt to harm you in any way. If anything he thought you'd feel invincible towards his wrath. Whenever he's upset with you or angered from your actions and slip ups he prides himself in walking away or taking a breath to shield you from that side of him.

     Ghiaccio won't really take the time to comfort you or take extra measures to be more approachable for you. It would be a waste of time. Instead he gives you a little, tiny bit of space and presents himself to you in small doses. This only lasts until he gets sick of waiting for you to come to your senses. Eventually he'll just see your fear of him as shyness and continue on without a care.


     Your fear of him doesn't bother him in any way. Prosciutto is more than likely grateful that your timid around him. Had you been more rebellious than fearful it would take ages to get you to learn that your place is by his side.

    Now Prosciutto can use your fear as a way to keep you in line. If you're genuinely afraid of him, you'll refrain from testing his patience. But it's not like he's only using it for control, Prosciutto also uses your fear as an opportunity to mold you into his perfect, obedient darling.

     As you show great progress and become more compliant Prosciutto shows that you don't have to be afraid of him by associating himself with positive things. Every time he comes to see you he's bringing gifts, when he calls you, Prosciutto will be sure to complimenting you and praising you for your improvement.

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