Darling's Having A Baby! What Are They Doing?

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Tw: afab reader, pregnancy, implied non-consensual pregnancy


Since he isn't a doctor the only way he'd be able to be more active in your birth was to have the baby at home. Melone will hire the best midwife out there and one that you'll be able to bond with to make you feel more comfortable, just don't tell the midwife he's making you do this!

How you deliver the baby is completely up to you because at the end of the day, you're the one who has to push out a baby. Melone will be giving you an endless amount of support and motivation even if you don't want it. Will stand next to the doctor to get a better view and record this beautiful moment.


Up until the actual birth he did everything he could to stay positive about it and not think of the horrible things that could happen during. Once your water breaks all his efforts are wasted and he can only think of the pain you're going through.

Pesci stays by your side and let's you crush the bones in his hands to get you through it, keeps talking you through it even though his fear is evident on his face. Also let's you decide how you're going to deliver and don't care to let you go to the hospital.

Pesci would never force you to have his children even though he wants them so if you're having a child it's going to be your decision and you most likely come to terms with your life with him. You're surely not escaping him anytime soon.


Not much help at all really, whether he wanted the child or not he believes there's not much he could actually do. You're the one that's pregnant, your body's changing, and you're the one pushing out the baby. What could he possibly do?

That's not to say he's unbearably rude or anything but if you expect help you're going to have to be blunt about it because he's clueless. Doesn't really want you to go to the hospital because he's aware that nurses ask if you need help or in an abusive relationship and doesn't trust that you'll lie to them.

You'll have the baby in the comfort of your home and he'll be next to you. During the labor he's squealing and looking away in shock, he knows what to expect but seeing it completely different. Since he forgot to call the midwife he has to deliver your baby.


When it comes to your health Ghiaccio becomes more unbearable. The doctor will be put under a lot of pressure and is being questioned about everything. He stresses out the doctor more than anything and is eventually asked to leave the room. He refuses so the nurses remind him that he should focus on you instead.

Extremely nervous about the ordeal since there's nothing he can do to help you at this point aside from holding your hand as you push. Alas he settles for standing close enough to hold your hand but also watches the process since he's genuinely intrigued seeing the baby come out.


Certified comedian ready to give comedic relief when you need it, but won't realize he's only frustrating you. Type of person to laugh while his darling gives birth not because he's a dick, it's just a wonderful experience.

Request the doctor to bring a mirror so he can see it but stay by your side to keep kissing your cheeks and telling you you're doing great. Feels the need to narrate how the baby comes out and will definitely bring up the fact that you've pooped while pushing. Everyone in the delivery room is disappointed with his behavior.

Not at all worried about you informing anyone about anything since he's trained you well and trusts his methods. There's also the fact that with little feet he could subtly strike the staff in case he was wrong.


It's clear he's not completely on board with you having a baby in the first place. Didn't plan on bringing a kid into his lifestyle and came to terms with just having you and Gel. Since you've gotten to this point without and abortion you're probably deep into your role as their third meaning you can be trusted.

Allows you to get some check ups to keep the baby safe and is more excited then he thought he'd be. Before you're close to giving birth he warns you that with a child you're now going to be inside the house with more security and he'll give the baby up if you get any ideas.

Another home birth with sorbet being the one to deliver your baby! He knows a natural birth is painful but there'll be too many nurses to track, and he's not about to waste his time like that. The doctor said it was a safe pregnancy, relax and you'll be fine.


Sorbet was the one to shoot down his idea of a family reminding him that he can't have his cake and eat it too. Bringing a kid leads to more responsibility and having a higher risk at being caught. Now here you are somehow pregnant aside from the birth control and condoms.

He's too happy to be teasing and taunting at the moment, the fact that Sorbet let you guys actually have a baby puts him in a great mood. Gelato spent a lot of time preparing a bag for when you're about to give birth and things you'll need afterwards.

When the moment comes he won't shut up about meeting the kid and is smiling the entire time. Lays down a towel before getting comfortable next to you and telling you to breath.


Never thought he'd be starting a family due to his bloody history, Risotto will take this blessing and make the most of it. None of the human body functions has ever disgusted him, witnessing you give birth is not a problem.

Since he wants you and the baby to remain incognito to the world the doctor has to be indebted to him or else it's happening at home. During the entire birth he has a smile on his face and can't hide his emotions. When you start pushing he begins to whisper praises and tell you that he's proud of you for going through with this.


Normally you're contained in the house with nothing to do except mundane chores until Prosciutto comes home. You were forced into becoming his beloved house spouse and because you've been great Prosciutto let you have his child. Treats your pregnancy like it's a gift and is willing to let you lead him in this adventure.

You're able to choose the method and setting of your birth and if you want him to be more active just say the word. The only thing that dulls the mood is his warnings. During the birth prosciutto is silent as he stays by your side, but once you have a moment alone afterwards he reminds you that even this gift can be taken away.

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