Darling Walks Over Doppio

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Request: Does Diavlo watch darling throw a fit with Doppio or interfere?

For instance, you're going off saying how you hate it here and you don't want his damn affection and Doppio's flinching and shit not knowing how to calm you down.

Does Diavlo come out and set you straight or roll his eyes thinking doppio needs to get better on his own? After all Doppio was the one who wanted you most.

Author's Note: Finally someone requested Doppio, I think it's because my blog is centered around La Squadra and I didn't add the duo to the name or header that they're not as popular

Tw: physical abuse,

    Doppio can be quite the pushover when it comes to his darling, yes he can have quite the temper when he's upset but that isn't usually the case for you. It's like he endured your bratty behavior since he just sees it as you expressing your emotions to show him how to fix your relationship.

    When you go into one of your moods, Doppio is too busy asking you if there is something else he could do and saying that even if he wanted to free you he's not allowed. Rather than putting you in your place, he's making it easier for you to get comfortable demanding things and ignoring his warnings. Diavolo just watches through his apprentices' eyes baffled at your blatant disrespect and is waiting for Doppio to set you straight.

    It never happens though, he's too busy trying to bargain with you and saying it'll be fine. So of course Doppio gets a call from the boss, ordering him to slap the shit out of you. You've had your fun while it lasted, now it's time for you to learn a thing or two about respect. Doppio trusts the boss completely and even though he isn't too excited to rough you up, he'll follow through with the orders.

    Doppio notices the obedience that comes after your lesson and is honestly glad the boss helped him see that all you needed was some guidance. By attempting to settle your nerves with gifts and kisses, he must've confused you to the point where you didn't understand that you were beneath him. Now when you're throwing a fit he's not flinching and racing for a solution, he puts some bass in his voice and has you on your knees, awaiting your punishment.

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