Prosciutto Is Yandere For Pesci's Spouse

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     Prosciutto may be harsh at times but he isn't a complete monster, there's no way he'd betray his friend

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     Prosciutto may be harsh at times but he isn't a complete monster, there's no way he'd betray his friend. Even if he believes that Pesci isn't good enough for you, considering his fragile emotions. What'll happen when you're in danger? The last time they were on a mission Pesci told the fucking gunslinger everything he wanted to know because he was too damn scared to continue fighting. Who knows what he'll allow when your life's on the line.

    You need someone that'll be able to fight for you, not a coward that needs constant reassurance. That's why Prosciutto will slowly manipulate Pesci into thinking that it'd be smart to have his Aniki join the relationship. With him there it'll be a perfect balance, and he can worry about the more challenging aspects of the relationship.

      It wouldn't be a challenge either since Pesci becomes putty in his hands at the slightest praise and follows Prosciutto's every command because he truly believes that his Aniki knows best. The challenge is getting you to go along with his plans. Now that Pesci is comfortable going to you for anything, including advice for dealing with his teammates, he unknowingly exposes Prosciutto's plan.

    In Pesci's eyes, Prosciutto is only looking out for him as usual, to you it sounds like Prosciutto is trying to force his way into the relationship; Which leads you to remind Pesci that you knew how he was before you married him and that you're more than happy with the way things are.

   He has no choice but to take his side and change his perspective on your behavior. Twisting every little thing you do and planting seeds of doubt in Pesci's mind. Why are you so comfortable coming home late, especially when you don't have a job? Who's keeping you out so late if not Pesci? Don't let him overhear you making plans with your friends. He tells Pesci before you as if you were hiding something.

     While these examples may sound trivial and like an obvious sign of Prosciutto starting shit you have to remember that Pesci has a bad habit of comparing himself to other people. He has to seek reassurance that you aren't going to leave him for someone else because he doesn't think he's worth loving. So it's easy for him to overthink little things when Prosciutto keeps bringing them up as if you're flirting or going behind his back.

    So it's only a matter of time before Pesci goes to Prosciutto asking him for help because he's afraid you might be losing interest in him. Now he understands why Prosciutto offered to join the relationship, or at least he thinks he does. All those things Prosciutto said earlier about needing someone that'll keep the distractions away and make sure you don't get swept away.

    Sooner or later you're being asked what you think of Prosciutto, and Pesci drops hints of maybe adding him to the relationship. After all, the two of them are pretty close so the idea of them sharing a lover wouldn't be too strange, right? Besides, you'll have two men that adore you and would do anything you'd ask, doesn't that sound nice?

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