Broken Darling Pt. 2

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Tw: mentions of abuse, drugging, abduction, gaslighting,


     When you find yourself enjoying the company of anyone other than Ghiaccio he ruins the budding platonic relationship. If you're smiling too much at your devices he locks them away until he's done checking for any signs of you cheating. You agreed to share a home thinking Ghiaccio would stop being paranoid yet it somehow made it worse.

     Nothing you did was ever enough to ease Ghiaccio's mind or prove that you'd remain at his side and keep your eyes from wandering. Ghiaccio was adamant about isolating you to have you all to himself. The stress of it all eventually caught up to you, no longer having the strength, mental or physical, to do much of anything anymore.

     Ghiaccio is a fan of the change, he no longer needs to worry about you cheating on him or going behind his back to see your friends. Ghiaccio sits next to you telling you about his encounters and the ridiculous things he heard, not at all bothered when you're silent. He also carries you to the room he's in to have some quality time, even though you're just 'watching' Ghiaccio exercise or play his games. Until you revert to your old self he's going to make the most of the situation.


     A yandere that is against cruel treatment to assert dominance or scare you into place. While Melone lets his darling have their own home or space, Pesci abducted his darling, trapped them inside his home, then gave them the freedom to wander through the house. But it wasn't enough to keep you from wanting to go back to your previous life.

     Pesci settled for using comfort to encourage you to give him a chance. Serving you Michelin Star meals, buying anything he'd thought you'd like, transforming one of his rooms into a replica of your dream room, and treating you kindly. What made staying with Pesci unbearable, aside from him being a delusional man, was his habit of guilting or gaslighting you.

     That could be part of the reason for you entering a catatonic state, Pesci won't use this as a chance to use you as a doll and have you attached to his hip. He's well aware that you're like this because of his unbearable neediness. Pesci will only bother you when it's time to change your clothes, feed you, or assist you in the bathroom. He's going to be sure to not make the same mistake again, vowing to be more aware of your emotions as well and be mindful of your boundaries.


     The no-nonsense policy he has in place along with the brutal methods of discipline would push his darling into a broken state quickly. Prosciutto beats his darling constantly and always gaslights you, saying you're only getting treated this way because he loves you enough to correct your unruly behavior. Even when you're trying your hardest to fit into his perfect world Prosciutto finds a mistake.

     After you've been kicked down so many times and belittled for most of your stay, Prosciutto wakes to see you unmoving. You're definitely breathing, but unresponsive, holding a vacant stare as you look at nothing in particular. When he orders you to get up for a meal or commands you to join him in the living room, you remain in place sometimes mumbling incoherent sentences.

     For once Prosciutto isn't quick to dismiss your behavior or send you to your isolation room, instead, he lights one of his cigars inhaling deeply only to let it out with a deep sigh. It's clear to him that his harsh ways have taken a huge toll on your health. This is a wake-up call for Prosciutto to loosen his tight grip for your sake.

     As he cares for you he speaks softly, whispering a sincere apology promising to be more gentle. While you recover Prosciutto will disable any deadlock and put away the restraints to encourage you to walk through the house to aid your recovery. When you eat, brush your teeth, or ask for a bath he praises you for being able to take care of yourself. Even when you return to your old self Prosciutto remembers to dial it down and will be sure to remind you how much you mean to him through his actions.

Sorbet & Gelato:

     The morning Gelato bursts through your door announcing that he's brought you breakfast in bed, he immediately noticed the dull aura you have. Your face is missing its frown and the occasional quivering line that warned him of the oncoming whines about how unfair they are. You don't even reach for the food and refuse Gelato's efforts of feeding you.

     But Gelato doesn't mind it one bit, he won't even notice that this time your lack of response is a result of how they've been treating you since the drugs they force into your system give a similar reaction or lack thereof. Sorbet is the one in charge of keeping you clean and changing your clothes, he also sets you in the brightest room, cracking the windows open to give you a gentle breeze.

     Gelato takes care of getting food and water into your body, he'll also use you as a body pillow or go through some catalogs and disclose his plans to order more unnecessary stuff for the house like a cotton candy machine. Also, since you're less of a flight risk, they sometimes take this opportunity to do a bit of traveling with you. Going to Disneyland Paris won't be fun for you but it sure as hell makes it easier for them to enjoy themselves, don't be too sad though Sorbet buys some merch you'd enjoy once you recover.

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