Pregnant With Quadruplets

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Tw:afab reader, pregnancy, brief mentions of abortion,


    "Let's see how many make it first, then you can choose your favorite baby, but if you're very good I might let you have two"

    One thing about Illuso is that he can not stand to be neglected or ignored by his honey, even if you are tending to a child. When he's dreaming about the future the both of you will have, there's always one child you're raising together. The only good news that came from this experience was finding out you'll have a variety of children to choose from now.

    Before finding out there were four babies currently growing inside of his darling, Illuso talked about how excited he was to see your combined genetics, wondering who they'll take after. Now he's trying to decide if he'll tell you now or wait until they come. Either way works for him but depending on how you act towards him he'll do whichever is the harshest.

    Being his self centered self, Illuso finds a way to make the situation about him. He's the one that's going to have to provide for the three of you. He's the one that'll be too busy to help you out. It'll be too much for him. Not once does Illuso consider how hard it'd be for you, all that matters is how he'll be affected.


    "It'd be nice to create a big family with you amore, but I'm afraid you'll have complications if we do this"

    More people to love! The fact that you're going to have many children on the first try excites him. Now you'll have a big family in no time at all. The only thing that worries him is the toll it'll take on your body.

    With you Risotto would raise a ton of kids without a doubt or fuss. However you're still the most important person in his life. The thought of losing you to childbirth or you going into a critical condition haunts him. If he has to bury you in exchange for a child he won't let you go through with it.

    During your pregnancy he'll take care of anything you need. He tracks your vitamins and is constantly shoving food in your direction. For any sign of discomfort or pain Risotto calls your OB-GYN and asks if your symptoms are normal, they are. To you it'll seem like he's just being supportive but he's actually terrified and trying to keep from scaring you too.

    The only thing that'll have him reconsider the babies is the risk. If your doctor says the risks are too high and the chances of being asked to choose between the babies and you are high, it's over. The two of you will try again some other time, but for the time being Risotto just wants you safe and alive.


    "Damn Bunny, I knew you wanted kids but that's too many, we'll keep one"

    Formaggio has remained consistent in his stance on children. The older they are the easier it is for him to imagine having one. Newborn babies are a challenge for him because they are extremely fragile and need constant attention. The news that you were pregnant excited Formaggio only because he was fully prepared to care for one child.

    Upon hearing the doctor mention four babies he's already shooting you a look that says don't get too excited. Yes, he wants a child but four is just too many for him to manage. There's also the fact that the two of you live in a small apartment that'll only house at least two extra people. There's only two bedrooms.

    It hurts him to tell you only one child can stay, but the both of you just aren't ready for that. Even if you do stay home with the kids, that's too much responsibility for you alone and he doesn't have the money to care for all five of you. Formaggio won't force you to be happy with the choice but he hopes you know that he isn't doing this to be malicious.


    "Don't get your hopes up, you know what happens next"

    As I said in another post, Sorbet isn't a huge fan of children. It's not that he hates them, he'd just rather not be responsible for any. The fact that Sorbet allowed you to get pregnant in the first place was a gift itself. During the beginning stages of your pregnancy Sorbet was fine, this experience made you and Gel new people.

    But the second he finds out you're carrying more than one he flips a switch. The deal was, you'd all raise one baby, not four. You're more than welcome to be furious with him and call him a sick bastard, it doesn't change his stance at all. You can either wipe the slate and try again or you can prepare yourself to choose one child to keep.

    It's clear that he was happy with the new addition, had he been opposed to your condition he'd have gotten rid of all of them sooner. If you can't seem to accept the terms then he'll let Gelato choose instead. You already knew this would happen, this shouldn't turn into a huge problem. Just be grateful for the one child you get.

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