General Yandere Melone Headcanons

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Tw: Yandere

    Once Melone developed this deep unnatural love for you it is painfully obvious to everyone. He is more clingy and can't go five minutes without draping himself over you, placing whatever has your attention on the side. Don't waste your breath or energy trying to move him, he only leaves when he's ready .

    Quickly learns about your hobbies, favorite foods, etc to feel closer to you. Sometimes he pretends to also like certain things when he doesn't, he'll only tell the truth if you tell him he doesn't need to like the same things for you to like him (not that you will). Melone also annoys the others with this new information, most conversations end with a "fun" fact about you.

    You could express how you don't want to be his lover and that you don't like him that way, but Melone will not stop. He'll continue to hang around giving you all sorts of compliments, even when you make mistakes he still speaks highly of you. The type of person that tells all your friends that he is your boyfriend to see if you'll go along with it. The minute he discovers your address he will constantly show up unannounced and will try to 'borrow' your clothes, books, lotion, etc. literally anything that will remind him of you when he can't be around. 

    Will never hurt you in any way, shape, or form. You could shout about how he is worthless, disgusting, unlovable and he wouldn't raise his hand. Shove him away, smack his hands away from you, he never hits you or speaks harshly. Melone would instead give you a bit of space and force himself to walk away. Seeing you act this way hurts and cuts him deep, but he knows it's his fault and he just isn't the type of person to physically hurt someone, especially if he loves them.

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