Sorbet & Gelato: Trial and Error

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Tw:Yandere, abuse, unhealthy relationship, severed limbs

    After tonight you'll never disrespect him again, especially since you can't stop yourself from tearing up at the slightest hint of anger in Gelato's voice. Quickly going towards your bedroom with his gift before Gelato could ask him about his assignment, gently sitting beside you.

    You were snoring in your bed with the blanket pulled down to your thighs, such a shame. If only you could be this pleasant when you were awake. While he tried to contain his excitement, he began shaking your shoulders to wake you.

    "I brought you a gift while I was away" You were barely able to keep your eyes open, let alone keep your head from falling back onto the soft pillow. Yet he pulled your hand away from your face and placed the gift in your hands.

    You can't seem to figure out what it is. It feels warm, kind of wet or maybe a bit slimy, it looks like some type of berry or something. Whatever it was it could wait until the morning.

   "Let this be a reminder for you to speak respectfully to us before you end up-"

    Before he could properly traumatize you into submission, you took it upon yourself to settle back into the warmth of your blankets and dozed off. Did you even look at what you were holding? Sorbet stared in disbelief watching the tongue slide out of your hand, maybe he can try again in the morning.

    "Thank you Sorbet..."

    Come morning Sorbet and Gelato stand outside your bedroom snickering and exchanging kisses. Last night after he didn't get the reaction he was hoping for Gelato suggested that it was probably because you were tired from the headache you gave yourself from crying all day. Now they stood patiently in the narrow hall listening for stifled cries, screams, anything really.

    It never happened, yet there was a lot of movement coming from your bedroom. This was taking too long and they've wasted enough time already, Gelato opened the door.

    There you were frantically removing the sheets and pillows from your bed.

"What's the matter?"

"I think I lost one of the fingers, i'm sorry"

    For the hundredth time that morning they exchanged confused glances, this is not right. This is the same person that had to squint to get through the gruesome parts of a legal drama show. However you suddenly gained the nerves and stomach to take a severed tongue as a charm.

    Nevertheless Sorbet pulls you into his arms while Gelato caresses the small of your back to calm you down. Maybe their previous punishments and tricks allowed you to grow accustomed to their twisted ways. Either way, now they'd have to get creative to frighten you.

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