You Tell Them You Love Them

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Request: can i get the boys reacting to darling telling them they love them


    "That's cute but actions speak louder than words"

     Hearing you say that does boost his happiness but feeling the love is even better. Maybe you really meant it but Formaggio knows better than to believe anything you say, especially after he spent a good amount of time forcing you to say things like that. When you do things like massage his scalp while he drifts to sleep, offer to massage his back when he says it feels strange, and even just coming to him for cuddles when you have the chance to be alone let's Formaggio know you love him.


    "You love me? What makes you say that?"

     He's not being sarcastic, he really wants you to list off the reasons you love him. It shouldn't be too hard if you're really certain you love him so don't act too shy now, he wants to hear every little detail. The whole time you're speaking he cannot stop himself from smiling, you're honestly too sweet for him right now. Later that night he's going to surprise you with some dessert for the three of you to share. Also if you say it to him first he's going to keep joking about him being the favorite lover.


    "I love you too, what about it?"

    When you say you love him out of nowhere he is pleasantly surprised but doesn't want to make a big deal about it. You could be saying that just to see how he'd react and he doesn't want to humiliate himself so easily, the only thing you're getting is a dry response and a light pink hue spreading across his cheeks. You'll notice the slight change in Ghiaccio's behavior, he's more upbeat than usual, asks your opinion instead of deciding for you, and he drags you to the car wash when it's time to clean his car.


    "Of course you do! You'd be crazy not to fall in love with a man like me"

You won't be hearing the end of it, Illuso will be teasing you endlessly and saying that his looks are the only reason you said that. A small part of him is at peace knowing that you return his feelings, he thought you'd never come around. Illuso thought he ruined any chance of the both of you having a somewhat genuine love when he constantly let his temper get the best of him. He finds himself staring at you lovingly and speaking unusually soft as he asks what you'd like to eat, falling in love all over again.


    "I love you too! Does this mean we can share a room now?"

     He's already getting ahead of himself planning for the future and wondering where the two of you should move since you'll need a bigger backyard for your future children's playground. Melone won't stop himself from pulling you in for a passionate kiss, holding on tightly to your chin to keep you in place as you struggle to breathe. You're too irresistible when you proclaim your love for him, he can't help it. As a reward, or thanks, for accepting him as your lover Melone let's you have a shopping spree, taking you out to visit your favorite shops to celebrate this beautiful moment.


    "T-Thanks, I mean, I love you too"

     Pesci feels as if he could do anything once you say this, the patience and kindness has paid off, but he's still a bit unsure how to respond. He is flustered and can't look at you right now, when he turns back to speak his hand is hovering over his mouth, making it hard to hear him. You tell him to move his hand but it doesn't help because he goes for a hug to hide his face until the blush leaves. Pesci is going to try to continue on like normal so he doesn't smother you but ends up giving you more gifts and joining you when you're trying to have time to yourself.


    "I love you too, "

     Although Prosciutto forced you to play the role of his spouse he never made you say you love him, he just waited for you to say it when you were ready. Prosciutto will start to spoil you like he promised he would on your first date, before he went rogue and abducted you from your home. Dressing you in lavish clothing, gifting you a gaming console for those boring days, and of course he takes you to visit a friend of your choice. This will come to an end the minute you go back to resisting him though, hateful spouses don't get to spend his hard earned money.


    "Why the sudden change?"

     He lifts an eyebrow waiting for you to explain why you've suddenly come around to loving him. Risotto acts like he thinks this is just another desperate act, that you're only saying this because you want to get on his good side. He tells you to elaborate so he could better understand your feelings, motioning for you to sit on his lap so he doesn't miss a single word. Truth be told, Risotto just wants to milk the situation a little bit longer and hear you say good things about him. Don't expect to go outside though, you're going to have to do a lot more than saying you love him before he trusts you enough for that.


    "I know"

     Sorbet thinks it's nice to hear this but he figured you loved him already from the displays of affection and the change in your behavior. He noticed the way you stopped tensing up when he'd pull you in for a hug or to nap together on the sofa. You recently started seeking him out to be up under him for comfort, often bugging Gelato about what time he'll come home because you missed him. There was even a time he woke up from a nap and felt you snoring into his back with your arm thrown over his side, he knew you loved him.

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