Risotto, Pesci, Sorbet & Gelato with oddly compliant s/o

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TW:abduction, mentions of murder, physical abuse, Stockholm syndrome


    Honestly goes over his head at first, assuming it's because of shock that you calmly ask about your new home and try to understand his unnatural feelings for you. Then one night, he watches you browse the cabinets for a certain seasoning to add a wholesome flavor to the food you prepared.

He gets suspicious.

    Not only did he break into your home and blindfold you. Risotto went the extra measure and placed your friends in harm's way, some into their graves, and here you are complying to his wishes. Highly unusual.

    Over the next few days he pretends to leave and watches you while using his stand to blend in. waiting for you to hastily search the rooms looking for a way out. Or scream until your larynx collapses to alert the neighbors.  

    You don't. You never do. You even had the audacity to lock the door after he 'forgot' to.

    Late in the evening he walks into your dimly lit room, there is a bit of tension hanging in the air. Having spent days waiting for you to slip up act as any person would in this situation it never happens. Risotto can't bring himself to a reasonable conclusion as to why you are okay with this. So he'll set himself at the edge of your bed and ask

    "Why are you allowing this? Don't you wish to be free?'


    He knew this was meant to be! There's no other way to explain this. Glancing over to your sleeping form, mentally thanking the universe for such a perfect lover. Pesci is truly grateful for the docile behavior.

   Since the first day he 'welcomed' you into his home, Pesci made it his mission to attend to your every need to help you get settled in. Bringing your delicious home cooked meals during the day and the unhealthy snacks he used to watch you eat at ungodly hours while scrolling through your apps.

    Returning to the dining room gracing you with his take on ribollita, Pesci suddenly notes that things won't always be like this. That one day, you may decide to leave him for someone better, or may get sick of his presence. But then he remembers.

    You want to be here, loving each other for the rest of your days.

    It became clear to him that you didn't show any resistance to his intense devotion towards you. You practically encouraged these strong emotions and actions. Speaking with him as if the two of you were friends since childhood, Lying on him as he watched movies, and agreeing to stay locked in his home for your 'safety'.

    He knew from the very beginning, that you were his soulmate.

Sorbet & Gelato:

    They will be disappointed. Why aren't you looking around in fear with tears building up in your eyes, failing to sound brave as you demanded the pair to give answers or take you home. What the hell is wrong with you?!

    Examining your face expecting you to have a sudden realization that two deranged men have abducted you, Gelato whispers his displeasure to Sorbet. "I knew that they were different, but I thought they'd at least have a bit of normalcy" receiving a hum in return.

    Gelato believes you're waiting for them to let their guard down and waste no time testing your 'compliance', leaving the first floor windows open, doors unlocked and keys in your reach, even spreading out his favorite blades and leaving them unattended. Ignoring his efforts eventually leads him into harassing you. You could be minding your business washing all the laundry only to meet tile as he 'interrogates' you, wanting to know if you are playing the long game. This will not stop until he is convinced by Sorbet that this is not a ruse.

    Sorbet is more of an observer during Gelato's test. He'll be just as skeptical but takes the less physical approach. Checking to see if you hid weapons or tools, reading any note or journal, watching your body language for signs of nervousness or panic that would usually appear before taking risk. Sometimes offhandedly mentioning all the different ways he and Gelato can get rid of your body without anyone finding out you were even missing.

    There will be times where the two of them may taunt and belittle you when they are in a particular mood to see some tears. Later on beating on you to watch as you cower in fear wishing for it all to be over. Ending with them getting each other off while complimenting on the others acts.

    Once finished coating Sorbet's nails with a top coat and cleaning up the stray polish you beam at your almost perfect work of art. Joking with Gelato about who did a better job. Meanwhile Sorbet watches the genuine interaction taking note of the semblance of contentment on your features, heart swelling at the scene. After an exhausting two months his decision was made.

The two of them can begin treating you as if they loved you, rather than terrorizing you to keep you in line.

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