Giving Prosciutto The Silent Treatment

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Request: And also! How does prosciutto react to a darling that IS obedient but they just- dont talk to him at all- almost like ignoring him- doing what they are told but only speaking to him when it's absolutely necessary?

Tw: domestic abuse

     Prosciutto is a stern yandere and likes to have control over your routine, behavior, and emotions depending on the situation. Having a darling that submits to him completely and does their part as his spouse is a great start but it is not enough to satisfy Prosciutto. Your lack of communication is a problem, a big part of marriage is communication. Prosciutto wants to hear you talk about your interests and learn your pet peeves.

     The two of you can't build a proper relationship or learn what it'll take to make your marriage last. As you silently set the table for breakfast Prosciutto talks about his upcoming plans and asks for your opinion on his clothes, you answer but go back to giving him the silent treatment. When he takes you out to the market you don't make an effort to start a conversation, only listening to Prosciutto talk the entire time.

     You may be trying to stay out of his way or limit the chances of upsetting him but eventually Prosciutto takes this as an insult. Although he never made it a rule or expectation for you to speak, he will begin to limit your privileges depending on the effort you put into having genuine conversations. Why should he give you the spouse benefits when you go out of your way to ignore him. No he doesn't think he's being unreasonable to ask his lover to stop giving him the silent treatment.

     During Pesci's visits to keep you company, if Prosciutto hears you utter a single syllable to Pesci he's going to have a fit. You must think you're so clever to be able to get under his skin but you're making it worse. Not only are you disrespecting him but he's starting to wonder if you have the intention of sleeping with his friend. You won't be getting any more visitors and you will be spending the next few days locked in your time-out room.

     Don't bother asking Prosciutto to let you out when you're sick of sitting in the dark room, barely able to see the meals he brings you. You should've spoken to him when you had the chance.

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