Tokophobia & Vaginismus

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Request: Hello! Can I request the La Squadra men with their darling who is scared to have sex with them (possibly darling having Vaginismus), please? Preferably Risotto, Melone, Ghiaccio, Prosciutto, and Pesci's reactions, please. If you don't want to, it's okay! Thank you and have a nice day! <3

I forgot to mention that the darling has Tokophobia (fear of being pregnant and giving birth) too. Sorry! I hope that this isn't too much for you. Thanks again! -MintyAnon.

Vaginismus - When the vaginal muscles involuntarily or persistently contract when they attempt vaginal penetration. The contractions can prevent sexual intercourse or make it very painful.

Tw: 18+ minors do not interact, afab reader, non-con, mentions of somnophilia, drugging, and abortion


Visibly annoyed when he's trying to initiate sex through a heavy make-out or sensual cuddling only for you to stop abruptly every time he starts to put his hands down your pants. He's almost offended by the action but tries not to make a big deal out of it. After sucking his teeth and exhaling through his nose Ghiaccio wants to know why you always pull away.


Had you told him earlier Ghiaccio wouldn't have made an ass of himself coming on to you as often as he did. Your concerns about being pregnant will be dismissed because Ghiaccio already told you he does want a kid but only when you're ready for it, he's not about to go out his way to make the process of birth harder for you than it has to be.

You're more than welcome to take birth control and check his condoms for holes if it helps you sleep at night. Ghiaccio will even let you get your tubes tied or cauterized if you'd rather not take a chance and prefer to adopt. Hopefully, you'll be less afraid to have sex now that Ghiaccio gave you these options.


If you had vaginismus Ghiaccio isn't going to be too grouchy about it, he has more ways of bringing the both of you to the brink of pleasure. There's no need to subject you to that kind of trauma. Ghiaccio is perfectly content holding your bare body against his while you share heated kisses. He's fine instructing you how to touch yourself while holding your hips tight as you grind against his thigh. You don't have to have penetrative sex until you're ready!


Melone usually isn't a bad yandere but this is one of the areas he lacks in. After putting on this mask of a perfect husband that only has your best interest at heart, Melone starts to show you that he's just as bad a yandere as the others.

He'll overstep your boundaries once he's tired of waiting and can't be satisfied having one-night stands with strangers. It's not long before Melone suggests that the two of you should start messing around, especially since he's done so much for you and even held off on sex for so long.


Well, this isn't the worst thing that's ever happened to him, but it's bad enough for Melone's perfect boyfriend charade to fall to pieces. He's always talked about having children with you! You know he wants to be a father! He's too scared of losing his chance at being a father he misses the point. You'll be guilt-tripped and yelled at for being scared of having kids.

Don't you trust that he'll be there every step of the way to help you in any way he can? Melone will refuse to wear condoms when you're having sex and even makes a show of cumming inside even though you begged him not to. You can say "no condom means no sex" but he'll find a way to influence your decision using his trusty aphrodisiacs or preying on your sleeping body.

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