Darling Hits Them

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Tw: physical abuse, starvation, dehydration, degrading, bondage, gaslighting, humiliation


    He's done nothing but spoil you rotten and treat you well. All Prosciutto expected was love and submission in return. Yet, you complain about being home all day, you make a fuss about cleaning up the house, and won't even cook a proper dinner unless he wraps his hand around your throat. Perhaps he's not been strict enough, maybe that's why you've gathered the courage to raise your hand to him.

    As you lay on the ground in shock from the impact of the backhand he'd given you, Prosciutto pulls your shirt into his fist and drags you down the hall into a small empty room. Not a light, window, or piece of furniture in sight. Prosciutto tears through your clothing leaving you naked before he exits. When he comes back he's holding your collar and some wrist restraint that'll keep your arms folded behind you.

    Prosciutto uses his stand to weaken you enough to slip them on you without a fight. From here on out you are to repeat the rules as he whips your ass with his leather belt. For every mistake, you have to start from the beginning and the beating is prolonged. At the end of every session you are to thank him for his patience and the fact that he loves you enough to correct your behavior.

    You're left in the dark room for days and he isn't nice enough to allow you bathroom privileges either. Before he feeds you, Prosciutto comes to clean up any urine or waste as he lets his disgust be known. Sometimes he'd yell at you for not holding it in until he comes back home.

    The food Prosciutto brings will always be thrown to the floor along with the water. He isn't leaving until all the food is off the ground. If you refuse, he slams your head onto the ground and smears your face in the mess. The impact is harsh enough to fracture your nose. Calling you a filthy, ungrateful brat that doesn't deserve to eat with plates and cutlery.


    "You're such a fucking hypocrite!"

    The second he sees your hands coming at him, he's beyond ready to fight. Ghiaccio goes out of his way to keep you from being afraid of him. Ever since you witnessed his blind rage and grew worried about being his punching bag Ghiaccio picked up breathing techniques, yoga, even cognitive restructuring and for what? To make it easier for you to feel comfortable attacking him?

    For the first time in your relationship Ghiaccio is going to beat you. It's horrific, and afterwards you're going to be back at square one begging to leave. He goes out of his way to make you feel powerless and mock your attempts while ruthlessly punching you in the gut. It's clear that something will be broken or sprained. When you fall to the ground and beg him to stop he only blames you for it and reminds you that you're the one that wanted to fight.

    All this time Ghiaccio spent trying to be the guy you needed, changing to be loved by you, only to be hit in the face. As if the beating wasn't enough, Ghia treats you like dirt for a while. Threatens to beat you again for the smallest mistakes, advises you to not say a word around him unless you want another round. Any medication needed for your injuries are withheld and he isn't making the healing process easier.

    Depending on their location, he will hunt down your favorite relative or friend and kill them to really teach you not to do it again. As you mourn the loss Ghiaccio let's you know that it's your fault, had you not abused him they'd still be alive. The aggression and brutality isn't coming to an end until your fighting spirit is completely suppressed.


    The first time you lash out and hit Melone he's expecting it. You're upset and going through a stressful situation with him, you were going to hit him sooner or later. But he'd rather you didn't form a habit of beating on him.

    Ever since he fell in love with you, he had moments where he was frustrated and sometimes angered with you. Confessing his feelings only to have you stomp on his heart, leaving you gifts only for you to discard them effortlessly. But Melone didn't raise his hand to you and strike you down. Why would you do that to him?

    The second time you put your hands on him, Melone has you restrained. Since you clearly can't contain yourself he'll have your arms tied one way or another. One day your wrists can be bound to the collar adorning your neck and another they'd be tied with purple ribbons behind your back. It just depends on his preference for the day.

    At the start of each day Melone gives a lecture about treating your lover with care, at the end you have to answer questions on how you should behave towards him. For every question you get right he gifts you a minute of free time from the bondage. You're only able to use them when you have at least fifteen minutes.

    Hopefully this chases away your urge to pummel Melone because he's willingly to keep you bound or tied for months at a time. No matter how much you complain or hiss at him, Melone will continue to this until he feels safe around you.


    He already gets pushed around by his team, he's not coming home to an abusive spouse. The back talk and name calling he can brush off but the moment you strike him, Pesci is heartbroken. The problem is, a heartbroken Pesci can become a cruel Pesci.

    His hands will hold your wrist with a bruising grip as he harshly backs you into a nearby wall. Up until now Pesci was always gentle with you. Now he's glaring at you, eyes filled with anger, daring you to try it again.

    Since day one, Pesci treated you as a human being and gave you the necessities every human needs to survive. Not anymore. Pesci never failed to cook you a four course meal three times a day with snacks in between; Now meals are almost nonexistent at this point. The only food you get is a small bowl of rice once a day.

    He only brings you a cup, think baking measurement, of water each night and if you cry enough he'll give you one more. There is no human interaction, you only get a glance of him leaving your rice and water. All the clothes are taken away and you sleep on the floor with a thin sheet even though Pesci keeps the house cold.

    You're left shivering and starving alone with your thoughts, as time passes you're convinced you deserved this. Pesci only wanted to give you a home and spoil you. Yet you had to go and hurt him. If you were in his shoes you'd surely do the same.

    The good news is Pesci won't do this for long since he'll hate seeing you in this condition. Once he calls off the harsh treatment you'll receive bathroom privileges but he's going to keep you isolated and bring you one full meal a day. Until you give Pesci a genuine apology and promise not to mistreat him you're not going back to your comfortable life.

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