Mission (3)

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The girls looked up and saw an androgynous face smiling at them.

The four girls immediately stand up with flush faces. Even though falling on a man's chest accidentally or not is not new for them as they  use these kinds of seduction to lure men everyday. But today the customers infront of them were different from the young masters and barbaric men they've always please with.

Not only the two men were very handsome and wealthy. They also felt that their customers are up to something but the girls immediately shook it off and tried to focus in their work.

They introduced themselves as Qiqi, An Yi, Ru ya, and Ai ku.

Qiqi and Ai ku went to TaoTong while An Yi and Ru Ya went to Hua Heng. The girls were still blushing and feeling shy all of the sudden causing for them to act clumsily especially Ruya and An Yi.

Tao Tong  looked at his partner with an anxious and panicky face as he didn't know what to do with the girls by his side. Tao Tong's facade were almost broken when Qiqi suddenly sits on his lap while Ai ku embraces his arm. The shy Tao Tong who didn't know how to act Infront of women is currently frozen.

"pfft!" Hua Heng stifle her laugh as she smoothly pull both girls into her lap like a veteran and smirks

Ruyi/An Yi:  0///////0

Tao Tong: \\0o0//

"Damn! I  never knew you're capable of this ah!" Tao Tong pouts envying his partner

"Of course a gentleman man knows how to make girls feels special and happy" Hua Heng flashed a charming smile causing the girls and Tao Tong to blush at the same time

"Ah ah ah Shu's charms is deadly! Why I am blushing too? This is not fair! But why I have the urge to make him blush ?" Tao Tong said in his mind

Hua Heng smoothly make conversations to the girls. With her charm and attractive face Ru Yi and An Yi immediately fell on her as they start talk openly.

" Bulls eye! " Hua Heng smirks as her plan is progressing

She starts to ask questions about the Province as well other information about what is currently happening.

Meanwhile, on Tao Tong's side is quiet  and  stiff. The girls are still wrap against him while his body remains on edge and frozen.

Seeing that the man were quiet, Ai ku and Qiqi were anxious thinking that their customer didn't like them.  Thinking the attitude and pressure the man shows a while ago, Qiqi gulps  as she start to make a conversation.

" M-master do you want Qiqi to perfor-" before she can complete her sentence

Tao Tong suddenly stood up making the two girls gasps in surprise. Hua Heng looks up and saw her partner's stiff face.

"pfft-whats wrong?" she asks smirking

" Nothing... Just stretching my legs were uncomfortable, hmph!" Tao Tong immediately replied pouting before sitting

The girls around Tao Tong were now hesitant to talk bravely after Tao Tong's reaction. They silently do the basic of serving the men giving a drink and foods when Tao suddenly ask.

" Are you two a citizen of this province?" he suddenly ask startling the girls

Qiqi froze when she hear his question and look at him with panic expression. Ai Ku was anxiois and worried as if she knew something but kept her lips tight as she tap Qiqi's side.

Tao Tong saw their reactions and begins to look suspicious. Seeing that his question triggered something, Tao Tong didn't waste his chance to get information. He grabs the Qiqi's arm and pulls him closer to his side.

"Kyahhh" Qiqi was red in embarrassment and shyness

"Qiqi!" - Ai Ku's anxious voice

"*whistle *" - Hua Heng who is watching

"Why did you froze? Are you a citizen here or not?" - Tao

"I- I am a really-"

"Your lying! Why are telling lies?" - Tao

"QAQ''Qiqi  was now quivering in fear

" Brother don' t scare her" Hua Heng butt's in seeing that the other is panicking

Tao Tong 's stopped and pouts, he didn't know how did he scare the girl. With a confused puppy look TaoTong looked at Hua Heng.

"Dummy, your not so good on talking to ladies" - Hua

"Me? But I didn't do anything, I am just interrogating her" - Tao

"You're rough talking is too scary for girls that's why you scared this lady Qiqi" - Hua

"Eh? That soft?" - Tao

"They're not men nor same as you of course ladies were soft and feminine" - Hua

"..." - Tao

The four girls were looking confused as their customers were strange.

"Can you girls to bring us to the vip room? I think it is time for us to do some fun" Hua Heng being the flirty one said and sent a wink

Girl: 0/////0!!

Tao Tong: O/////O !!

Tao Tong saw his partner flirting to the girls but he was confused as why he is too charmed. The tip of his ears were red and  he find a little bit uncomfortable looking at Hua Heng. He pouts and stay silent not bothering to talk anymore. Because if he stares longer at at Hua Heng, his mouth will totally blabber what is going inside his mind.

I don't want to tell him that he looks so charming and pretty when he smiles too ah

A man shouldn't be called pretty 

But Shushu is too pretty QAQ

Tao Ting shook his head trying to erase his though but nevertheless the word pretty and charming are still inside his mind.

The girls informed the madam about getting a vip room. The madam with a wide smile ket them all to one of the vip rooms in the hotel.

Before leaving, Madam Jianyang secretly gave the girls each pills and reminder to please the two masters well. The girls blushed as if this is there first time to do the act. (B:You all know what I mean😏😉)

Hua Heng check the room if it is sound proof  when Tao Tong let a loud sound.

"Wah! -"

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