Mistaken couples

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Ruo Hua Heng walks into the room next to the one she was in. The waitress and the other seducers entered the room and saw only clean plates and one ingot of gold. The girl's eyes gleamed with greed as the waitress hastily grabbed the gold and stuffed it into her sleeve.

" Wow! That customer is rich!"

"Agree! Agree but where is he?"

"Sister An I thought that the man is here ah?"

"Aiya, this is just so unfortunate that young man is so mysterious and foreign perhaps if we're here long enough we can probably ask him more as well I know the man is good looking because he covers his face and his eyes! It is so captivating and appealing ohhhh how regretful" the waitress sighed as they took up the cleaned plates and left.

Rou Hua Heng heard everything and sigh in relief because she escaped fast or else.....

"That was close..."She said and suddenly she feel two eyes were staring at her back so she turn around

Because of the dark place she can't see clearly but she detected two people is staring at her and her back suddenly chilled so she straight up and look carefully.She can see two silhouettes of people,one is in white dressed while the other is black.

Oh my! Did I distract them from doing that?!

"Uhm....sorry if I entered without  permission....I'll go now and thank you,sorry if I disrupted your intercourse I am truly sorry"she said clearly from her heart and bows

How shameless am I ?! Look I disrupt the two beautiful guys from having their love making arrrghhhh! It's a disappointment that I didn't see clearly their faces or else I will surely need many tissues

Rou Hua Heng, also known as Wuxia in her modern world, was a boyxboy relationship fanatic and a typical fujiyoshi girl. She dashed to the window, leaving the two men gazing at the point where she leaped.

Rou Hua Heng didn't even sense the strong auras surrounding the room if normal person was in probably it will collapse and fainted but the Hua Heng didn't even shudder instead . The two men's aura retracted from the room,the white clothes man suddenly let out a slight laugh.

"Well,that's interesting..... I never though that someone mistaken us as a couple"the man's hoarse voice said  reaching a goblet full of red wine

The man dressed in black grunt as his aura become more darker," That boy is not ordinary" he coldly said

"Yes, can you pick up on his aura? His aura is unlike ours or any other auras we've encountered....don't you believe he's one-of-a-kind?" As he peered out the open window, the white-clad man replied

"Hmmm.."The man in black coldly replied,his crimson eyes is staring at the window

With a hint of astonishment and mirth, the guy in white looks at his brother, who is cold and always had the aura of a demon king that wants to attack anything that gets in his path.

I didn't realize he was still thinking about the youngster, hmmmm this is interesting....

Rou Hua Heng successfully escaped and swiftly merged into the crowd.

She decides to finally go shopping before returning to her tent and discussing the prescriptions with her little bun.

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